Thursday, June 26, 2014

Cake Hunting

This year is the 250th anniversary of St. Louis! To celebrate, the city designed and placed 250 cakes throughout the metro area. Since we saw our first cake (down the street at Bevo Mill), we decided to try to find all 250. So, this summer, our "adventures" will be cake hunting trips. Once we find all the cakes, I plan to put the pictures into a video collage that I will post on the blog. But, for now, here are some pictures from recent cake hunting adventures.

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Mr. Persistent

One of my favorite traits that Sage has is persistence. Once he has made his mind up that he is going to do something, he rarely gives up until he has accomplished his goal. If he can't accomplish his original goal, he makes the best of it anyway. It's true that this often appears as stubbornness which does drive me crazy. But, I love it! Here is a video I shot of Sage the other day at the Magic House. I caught the last of his many attempts to carry a huge stack of foam bricks up to the top of the stairs. He must've tried it five or six times before I started recording. I love his facial expression and his decision to try something else when he realized his original plan might not work. I love the way this kid thinks!!

YouTube Video

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Happy Birthday!

For all the summer birthdays, here's to you!
From, Sage

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Saturday, June 21, 2014

Tooth #2

Sage lost another tooth! Like the first, he doesn't know when it fell out. He complained about it hurting at dinner and we said, "That's going to fall out soon." Then, he ate a little bit more food, played awhile, and took a bath. After bath, the tooth was gone. Oh well, the tooth fairy still made a visit!

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Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Kai 5-30-14

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Hello Summer!

We had a great start to the summer season with a visit from Aunt Keisha and Aunt Jessica, BBQ, a trip to the zoo, and pool time!

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5-30-14 Sage's last day of preschool

Sage celebrated his last day of preschool at the Preschool Picnic. Both boys won awards for perfect attendance and knowing all their sight words. Sage won the only special award given to just one person in each class. It was an award for exhibiting the school's character traits and being a model citizen! We are so proud!!

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