Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Pregnancy Survey

About the mommy.
Age: 29
Is this the first child?:

About the daddy.
Name: Jared
Age: 27

Finding out.
What day did you find out you were pregnant?: Thursday, January 17th, 5:30 AM
How did you feel when you found out?: mostly shocked because I thought I had problems getting pregnant. But, I also felt apprehensive about telling Jared because we had recently decided to wait another year. I only really felt truly excited after Jared said he was excited!
Who was with you?: I was alone because Jared was working in California. I was a couple days late, but hadn't really thought much about it. But, I took a test as soon as I woke up that morning and it turned positive right away. I could hardly believe it! I started sobbing and wanted to take another one, but couldn't pee anymore. I even checked the directions to make sure I was seeing a positive sign. Then, I called Jared. It was 3:30 in the morning in California and I woke him up sobbing on the phone. Of course, he asked what was wrong? I said, "I'm pregnant." He said, "What??" I don't know if he said that because he was shocked or if he couldn't understand me because I was crying so hard. So, I said it again, "I'm pregnant." Jared said, "So, why are you crying?" He couldn't understand why I was crying so hard - and truthfully I wasn't sure either (mostly shocked and scared Jared would be upset). But, as usual, Jared calmed me down as soon as he said, "I'm excited!" So, then we talked for about 30 minutes sharing our excitement together - it was a really special moment even though it was over the phone.
How did the daddy react?: Total excitement right from the get-go.

Telling the grandparents.
How did your parents react?: excited! Mom about flipped when we told her because I said, "Well, are you ready to be a grandma times 3?" She thought we were having triplets! Really, I just meant because she already has 2 grandkids, that this would make 3. Ha ha!
How did his parents react?: Very happy, I guess! Jared called and told nearly everyone before I got home from work! I only got to hear his mom's reaction - which was total excitement at the news that she was going to be having a grandbaby.

About the pregnancy.
When is your due date?: September 24th
How far along are you right now?: 35 weeks tomorrow
Have you had an ultra sound?: Yes, the initial ultrasound at 8 weeks - our first glimpse of baby boy. Then, we had a 3D ultrasound on May 5th where we learned we are having a boy (note: This was one of the most special days of my life.) I have one more ultrasound scheduled for next Thursday (9/28) to check baby's size and position (hoping he's still a boy!).
Have you heard the heartbeat?: yes, I hear the sweet sound every time I go to the doctor.

Sex of the baby.
What do you want. Boy or Girl?: We both wanted a boy.
Do you know what you are having now?: Yes, a boy!
Are you happy with what you are having?: Yes, beyond excited! Jared can't wait to play basketball with his little man. I'm just happy that we didn't have a pink explosion!

About the birth.
Who is going to be with you?: Jared, Mom, and Darla
Are you going to video tape it?: I haven't decided yet....probably.
Natural or medicated?: medicated, no doubt
Do you think you will have a c-section?: I hope not, but will do whatever's best for baby.
Do you think you will cry when you first hold your baby?: Definitely. I bet Daddy will too!
Do you know what you will say to the baby when you first hold it?: Not sure, but likely "Happy Birthday little one. It's nice to finally meet you!"
Are you scared about the labor?: Yes, but at the same time, there is no going back now! I just hope I can get through it without having a panic attack (which it typical when I'm in a high-stress situation where I don't really know what's going to happen). As long as Jared is there, I will be okay because he'll make me feel safe and make me laugh!

Do you have a name picked out?: No, we're struggling here. Jared and I both have a name we like and unfortunately, it's not the same one! We're both being stubborn too.
Is your baby going to be named after anyone?: Hopefully, his middle name will be Robert after Jared, Jared's dad, my dad, Uncle Jon, and my grandpa.
Did the daddy help pick the name?: To be determined...

Other random questions.
Have you felt the baby move?: Absolutely, he's quite active. He usually has two or three days of nearly constant movement and then one day of quiet.
What was your first symptom?: My gums were swollen and sore!
What is the babys room theme?: Cocoa Baby - Jungle Safari
Are you ready to be a mommy?: as ready as I'll ever be!
What do you think the baby will be a "daddys girl/boy" or a "mommys girl/boy"?:
I'm hoping for a mommy's boy, but at the same time know that our little man will completely adore his daddy!

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