Monday, February 9, 2009

Sleeping in his own bed!!!

We've successfully transitioned Sage to his own bed in his own room! Sage had been sleeping with us in either our bed, the bassinet, or the pack and play in our room since he was born. However, since he now knows how to roll over both ways and does so in his sleep, we knew it was time to move him to his own crib.

Saturday night was the first night. It went surprisingly well! He hardly fussed at all and didn't wake up crying except for at his normal midnight eating time. I felt like we had turned the corner and there was no going back.

So, last night (Sunday), we tried again. This time, Sage vigorously fought sleep and I was tempted to give up. But, I didn't. I had to soothe him at 11:30pm, at 1:30 am after he ate, and one more time at 3:30 in the morning. But... I did hear him wake up at about 5, cry a little, and amazingly fall back asleep on his own! Hooray!

Sage is getting to be such a big boy - an independent, active little guy.

Yesterday, was Sage's first experience at church. I knew it was his nap time, so I didn't want to leave him in the nursery with strangers. Because, after all, being tired mixed with strangers equals complete scream fest. So, I took him with me into the service hoping he wouldn't cry. Well, I totally forgot about Sage's propensity for vocalizing his excitement.

Sage really showed off during the service, making faces at the people behind us, screeching with excitement, and, of course, loudly blowing raspberries! Everyone but me thought it was "so cute." I was slightly embarrassed because of his timing with the whole thing - quiet during the music and singing while noisy and excited during the sermon. What a little stinker! I did end up leaving the service to a quiet back room to avoid the total meltdown I could sense was coming as he fought the sleep monster! But, overall, we survived and no one seemed to be too annoyed.

1 comment:

  1. We just recently started going back to church too, a few weeks ago. There are always kids that are worse than our angels :)
