Friday, October 16, 2009

Bring on the sunshine!!!

It has been cold and rainy for what seems like forever here - at least a week or so. Both boys are sick and we are ready for a healthy dose of sunshine!

Sage started the sickness with a cold he brought back from the lake a couple weeks ago. He passed it to me and then to Kai. Kai is doing okay, but did have a short stint in the ER on Sunday night because he was having trouble breathing. All that snot and goo was stuck in his throat and I couldn't get it out with the bulb syringe. I was too worried about his breathing to wait until Monday morning, so we went to the ER. They hooked him up to the eletric powered sucker and cleared him right up. He's doing much better.

Sage's cold is gone. His ear infection did not clear up, so he's on a second round of anitbiotics for that. And, unfortunately, he traded his cold for croup. Ugh! Last night, I kept hearing him moaning in his crib. When I went to check on him, I was horrified by the sounds he was making. Poor baby sounded like he was breathing through a straw - totally raspy, wheezing, shallow breaths. Then, he coughed and it sounded like a bark. I tried not to freak out because he seemed to be doing okay as far as getting enough oxygen and everything. Since it was already 4 in the morning, I decided to wait it out until the am to go the doctor. Doc prescribed steroids for the croup and said it should be gone in a few days.

In the meantime, though, we have to keep Sage and Kai separated as much as possible. Croup is highly contagious and much more dangerous for newborns as their airways are smaller to begin with. So, I'm walking around with disinfectant wipes. We have hand sanitizer in every room of the house. And, because Sage tends to wipe his snotty nose on my shirt, I'm even changing shirts when I go from one baby to the next! Jared and I are playing man-on-man defense and sticking with one baby all day/night as much as possible to avoid cross contamination.

Needless to say, I can't wait for the sun to come out and the sickness to clear up! So ready for spring and it's not even winter yet. =)

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