Saturday, February 23, 2013

Everyday Matters

Yesterday, I was trying to sneak a shower in before the boys woke up from their nap. Near the end of my shower, I hear Kai come in the bathroom looking for me. I told him I would be out in a minute. He was sitting on the toilet talking about how when he grows up he's going to wear cologne like daddy. Then, he says, "Uh Oh!" I asked, "What's wrong, buddy?" "We're out of toilet paper" he replies. I said, "That's okay, I'll get some more when I get out of the shower." After that, I thought he left the bathroom because it was really quiet for the last few minutes of my shower. Then, when I opened the shower door, I see Kai standing at the toilet paper holder. He was winding a brand new roll of toilet paper onto the empty roll that was on the holder. I couldn't help but laugh! I said, "Buddy, that's a very good idea, but you're going to be standing there a long time," and I showed him how to change the toilet paper roll. I just thought it was so sweet and cute that he thought that we had to unwind a new roll onto the empty tube in the holder. So sweet.

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