Our house is decorated - well as much as it can be with two toddlers in the house. We had to put the tree in the back where access to it can be supervised and the ornaments on the tree are limited as well. Sage and Kai still found a way to do some damage though. It shouldn't be a suprise that two little boys think bright red, ball shaped Christmas ornaments are meant to be thrown across the room. Thank goodness for shatter-proof ornaments.
We've been listening to holiday music and on Saturday, we finally went to see some lights. I took the boys out to Our Lady of the Snows. Sage LOVED driving through the tunnel of lights and said, "Again! Again!" I actually made a second trip through the park just to see his face light up as we drove through the tunnels.
Kai loved the petting zoo. At the petting zoo, Kai hung out by the baby goats and kept shouting "Baa! Baa!" to anyone who would listen. Of course, everyone thought it was adorable. When I picked him up to get back in the car, he threw a fit and I'm pretty sure the same people did not think
that was adorable.

After the lights, we went to Toys 'R Us for a shopping adventure. I had a really good coupon that expired that day, so I braved the crowds and took the kids - two things I would not normally do. I do believe it was the first time my boys have ever been to Toys 'R Us. Sage didn't know what to do with himself especially when we got to the Thomas the Train aisle. I thought I was going to have a hard time getting him out of there. But, actually, it was Kai who threw a fit when we left because he had fallen in love with the "Hokey Pokey Elmo" doll. Good thing Santa's bringing Elmo!

Last weekend, we celebrated my mom's birthday by meeting her at the Botanical Gardens to see the toy train exhibit. Needless, to say, Sage was in heaven! He loved seeing all the choo-choos.