Friday, August 10, 2012

The Rotten Egg!

Ever heard the saying, "The last the rotten egg!"?  We use that saying all the time. Last one in the bathtub is the rotten egg. Last one to the car is a rotten egg. Every time we say it, we laugh because the boys like being the rotten egg! They haven't quite figured out that being a rotten egg is not necessarily a good thing. Although the saying still works (because it makes them move faster), they fight over being the rotten egg!

Tonight, I said, "Last one in the tub is a rotten egg!" Sage had to go potty and didn't want Kai to get in first.  So, Sage pushes Kai out of the way and says, "I'M THE ROTTEN EGG!" Kai says, "No, I the rotten egg!"  Too funny!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Pillow Talk

Over the last few weeks, Kai and I have developed a new routine before he goes to bed...pillow talk. After we put him to bed, he will call me back to his room with a, "Momma!"  When I get there, he asks me some seemingly random question like, "Why is it dark?"  When I answer that, he follows it with other questions such as: Why does the sun go down? Where does the sun go? Why does the Earth turn?  On and on and on and before I know it, we are having a deep conversation about the ways of the world. I just have to laugh because it seems strange for him to be asking such big questions before he goes to sleep!

Saturday, August 4, 2012


Sage is up way past his bedtime. When I just reminded him that he needs to go to sleep, he said, "But, I've got one more book to read Momma." How can I say no to that?

Thursday, August 2, 2012

What's today's adventure?

Since I managed to finagle a few weeks off this summer, the boys and I have been enjoying a summer of adventure.  Everyday, the boys ask, "What's today's adventure?" in their cute little 2 and 3 year-old voices.  Unfortunately, this has officially been the hottest summer ever in St. Louis!  So, we've been stuck mostly indoors.
Enjoying frozen treats while we waited for the storm to pass before seeing "Aladdin" at the Muny!

Sage LOVING our new favorite hangout - Whittle Shortline Railroad.

Kai enjoying a trip to Kirsksville for Ella's 7th birthday.

Sage visiting the bald eagles at the Bird Sanctuary.
Kai and PaPa at Bounce U
Sage and Noah battling it out at Bounce U!
The boys at Whittle Shortline Railroad.
Dr. Sage at the Magic House
Kai and Ella at the Magic House

Kai wrestling with Papa, Noah, and Ella on his trip to Kirsksville.