Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Giving Thanks For...

 cuddle time with Grandma

beautiful sunsets

 afternoon romps in the gardens


cute kids

big smiles!

 brotherly love

story time

One of the Sweetest Sounds...

Kai has the best laugh!  I think I've posted videos of him laughing since he was a tiny baby (see post on January 8, 2010).  It's just so adorable and infectious.  Love it!  Love him!

My little artist...

Sage has become really into drawing lately and I have to say, I am impressed.  It amazes me that someone so young has so much detail in his pictures!  Here are a few of my recent favorites:

A family portrait that includes Rosco.  That thing in the center is the tv which he labeled "Samsung."

This a picture of Sage and Rosco running into the house (top right corner) because outside there was a praying mantis (the green one), a ladybug (the red one), and a spider (the brown one).

This is us  driving to school.  Notice the traffic light, stop sign, and the yellow dotted lines on the highway. 


Jared and I took the boys bowling for the first time.  They had a great time!

Lil Angels

The photography company Lil' Angels came to the boys' school to shoot these adorable photos.  My little angels...

Cheering on the race...

The boys and I spent a recent Sunday cheering on some friends at the Rock-n-Roll marathon.  The boys were so excited to cheer on the runners and give high-fives as they passed.  The runners were equally excited to see them and would run all the way across the street to give them high-fives.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

We won the lottery!

The magnet school lottery, that is!  We just found out both Sage and Kai were accepted into the city's magnet school program for next year.  This is AMAZING news for us city dwellers!  The boys will have access to the best schools in the city including Wilkinson Early Childhood Center (where they will be next year).  It was a long, nerve-racking process, but we are thrilled we are in the program. 

Parent Conferences

We recently had parent conferences at the boys' school.  I'll tell you, as a teacher, it's tough being on the parent side as parent-teacher conferences. We started with Kai's teacher, Ms. Kelly.  She shocked us by telling us that Kai is quiet and shy at school!  What? Are we talking about the same kid?  Ms. Kelly said she actually has to ask Kai to speak up sometimes.  Then, she told us he's doing well with his shapes, numbers, and some letters.  Just as we thought we were finished, Ms. Kelly says, "And, there's one more thing I wanted to talk with you about."  My heart sank -  this can't be good. 

Ms. Kelly says, "I don't know if you've noticed or not, but Kai has 'discovered himself."  OMG!  I know I must've turned bright red.  How embarrassing!!! Apparently, Kai had been discovering himself at school and exposed himself at naptime.  Jared and I promised to talk with Kai about it and we did.  Fortunately, he seems to be keeping his hands above the waist. 

Then, we met with Ms. Jackie, Sage's teacher.  Ms. Jackie said Sage is a "wonderful little boy."  She was very impressed with him and how quickly he picks up on things saying, "I only have to show him once and he's got it." 

SO SO proud of my boys! 

We Sing!

Kai and Sage love to sing!

Here's Sage singing the Speckled Frogs song.
Here's a video of Kai singing/rapping.  I'm not really sure what he's saying, but he's enjoying himself!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Kole's Birthday at Grant's Farm

We spent a recent Sunday celebrating Kole's birthday at Grant's Farm.  I highly recommend their birthday parties!  We parked, rode the tram, fed the camels, fed the goats, ate cake and ice cream and a lunch!  Excellent! 

Halloween Fun!

Here we are at the annual hayride and chili dinner at Jon and Sarah's house...
Even though it rained, it made the hayride that much more spooktacular!

Time for dessert!

Halloween Fun Run
Group photo at the start of the race!

Warm up stretches!

Time to race!

At the finish line!

Our First Trunk or Treat!

Ghouls in the Garden (Halloween at the Missouri Botanical Gardens)