Monday, July 27, 2015

Toothless Wonder

Sage lost two more teeth this week! One top tooth was "punched out" by Kai in the swimming pool at Grandma and Papa's house. Everyone agreed it was an accident (too close while swimming) and they even managed to find the tooth in the pool. Then, Sage pulled one out of the bottoms row on Saturday. The tooth fairy is becoming a regular at our house!

It's a wonder he can eat that pretzel with all those missing teeth!

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First Time at Six Flags St Louis

Since the boys earned free tickets to Six Flags for reading, we decided to take them yesterday. Although it was hot and humid, we still had a blast! Kai loved all the roller coasters and water rides. The Ninja was his favorite - loop de loops and all. We got soaked on the Tidal Wave especially standing on the bridge after the ride (see video). Sage was more cautious but we did talk him into the Mine Train which he enjoyed as he screamed the whole ride, "Oh my God!" It was hilarious. The Joker was his favorite even though he cried before we got on because he didn't want to ride it. The boys also tried the Bungy Bounce (see video). The boys are looking forward to earning another ticket to go again next summer.

YouTube Video

YouTube Video

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Saturday, July 25, 2015

First Sting

Sage had his first sting by an insect today. He was playing with some kids from his Tball team and they were walking along a retaining wall. Jared and I were talking to some other parents and heard him cry, "Mommmmmmy!" He came running and I could tell by his cry that something had happened. He managed to tell us he was stung by a "wasp." He cried for a few minutes and spent the rest of the Tball game nervously watching the grass around him for other bees and wasps. Anytime something would fly by him, he'd freak out. In fact, he didn't want to go outside the rest of the day. We tried to tell him that everyone gets stung at some point and that just the night before Uncle Justin had to go to urgent care because he was stung by a yellow jacket on the lip and his whole mouth swelled way beyond normal. Hope Sage doesn't spend the rest of the summer fretting about it. Poor buddy.

The whole situation must've worn him out because later in the afternoon, Sage curled up next to me and fell asleep on my shoulder - something he hasn't done in quite awhile.

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Sunday, July 19, 2015

Love You More Than...

The boys and I often play the "I Love You More Than" game usually at bedtime, but at other times too.
M: I love you
S or K: I love you more
M: I love more than all the (stars in the sky, shells on the beach, etc.)
S or K: I love you more than all the (grass on the ground, water in the sea, etc.)
Repeat until I say, "You win!" to the boys because they always win.

Well last night we were playing this game and S says to me, "I love you more than all the hydrogen molecules in the universe!"

What?! You win, S, you win!!

Sounds like someone has been watching a lot of "BrainPop" videos and "Cosmos" episodes.

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Saturday, July 18, 2015

First Tball Game

Since it's been raining all season, the boys had to wait until today to play their first game. Here are the boys' at bats.

YouTube Video

YouTube Video

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Friday, July 17, 2015

Someone Had the Giggles

The other night, we were all snuggled on the couch. The boys were on their tablets with their headphones plugged in and I was reading on my phone when I heard Kai start to giggle. Something he was watching must've been funny because he could not stop giggling. I caught the end of his giggle fit on video.

YouTube Video

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Camper of the Week

When I picked the boys up from their last day of summer camp at Queeny Park, I had a wonderful surprise! Sage was chosen by the camp counselors as the "Camper of the Week." He was the one of hundreds of kids chosen. Wow! We are so proud!

An honorable mention goes to Kai as well. The counselors made sure to say that Kai was great too, but they can only choose one. We are very proud of both boys. All week, I was stopped by various counselors to compliment the boys on their excellent behavior. Hearing these compliments sure made my week! Maybe I am doing something right!!

Love our boys!!

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Thursday, July 16, 2015

Gulf Shores Vacation

We had the best time in Gulf Shores this summer! The ride down wasn't bad and the boys were thrilled to arrive at Sunny Surfside. We enjoyed a whole week at the beach and pool with family! Here are some highlights from the trip.

Pictures from the ride down including the tunnel in Mobile and the battleship. This collage also includes pics from our arrival and first moments on the beach.

Family pictures on the beach at sunset!

Pictures from the incredible, sunset dolphin cruise! We saw lots of Dolphins and they were playing in the boat's wake. The boys loved this adventure!

One day, we took a ferry to Dauphin Island to spend the day with one of Jared's army buddies and his family. We had a great time despite the jellyfish filled beach.

We had TONS of fun at the beach. The boys loved boogie boarding, playing in the sand, jumping waves, crab hunting at night, and having fun with family!

We also had a great time relaxing at the house and in the pool as well as exploring some of the Gulf Shores sights.

Here are some more of my favorite pictures of Sage. His favorites were the boogie board, playing in the waves, and crab hunting at night!

Here are my favorites of Kai.

And to top off the already amazing vacation, we stopped in Memphis on the way home to enjoy the 4th of July. We ate dinner at BB King's, danced in the rain on Beale Street, and watched the Mud Island fireworks from the bridge. Loved it!!!

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