Sunday, January 30, 2011

Everyday Matters

My favorite small moment of the weekend was last night at Monkey Joe's. Sage and Kai were sitting across from each other and sharing a bag of M&Ms. Sage was in charge of the M&Ms. Without prompting, he was actually sharing. He said, "One for me," as he popped one in his mouth. Then, he said, "One for you," as he put one in Kai's mouth. It was the cutest thing! Everyone at MJ's commented on how cute they were and how nicely they were sharing - a rare moment, indeed!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Everyday Matters

Group hugs!
Everytime Jared and I hug, the boys try to get in the middle of us. So, we each pick one up and have a group hug. The boys love it! We think it's pretty wonderful too.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Everyday Matters

This is the first of many posts with the title "Everyday Matters.". The purpose of these posts is to celebrate the everyday moments that really matter. So, we'll start with tonight...

The boys were cuddled on the couch with bowls of popcorn (their favorite nighttime snack) watching an episode of Scooby-Doo. I was reading a book on my phone, but kept getting distracted by their adorable little faces. It's amazing to me that over 2 1/2 years later, I still lose track of time just looking at my babies! They are so precious and growing so fast, sometimes I think if I blink I'll miss something!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Babies, Babies, Everywhere!

Today was a big day in St. Louis. We were hit with a winter snowstorm - eight inches at our house and up to a 14 in some spots around the area! That's a whole lot of snow!

Not only that, but three people I know had babies today. Stephanie, my cousin and one of my dearest friends, gave birth to Ava Jean early this morning. My friend Brandellan's sister gave birth to a baby boy, Everett this evening. And, sometime in between, a friend from high school delivered Ethan. That's a whole lot of babies!

In fact, many of my closest friends and two of my sister-in-laws are expecting or have recently had babies. People say I'm "at that age." Since my boys no longer seem like "babies," it's exciting for me to relive the experience through my friends and family.

Early this morning, when I was communicating with Stephanie about Ava, I was reminiscing about those first few moments as a first time mom. I remember how amazing the actual birth experience was and how time seemed to stand still the moment Sage was born. That was the most alive I've ever felt in my life when I was blessed with the miracle of motherhood. I hope I never forget how that felt. I also hope that every first time mom has that same experience.

That opportunity to reminisce this morning was much needed. Because of the holidays, bad weather, and sickness, I have only worked 8 days in the last four weeks. So, the boys and I have been stuck in the house with each other for what seems like weeks. As to be expected from two toddlers, Sage and Kai have certainly been trying my patience. After remembering what a miracle motherhood really is, however, my patience was renewed. Lucky boys!

No, actually, it's...lucky momma! Blessed momma! Blessed to have a job that has allowed me spend 20 of the last 28 days at home with my family (and still get paid). Blessed to have two joyful baby boys to spend cold, winter days stuck inside. Blessed to have amazing friends and family who are having babies so that I can remember the miracle and renew my motherly energies. Blessed. Blessed. Blessed.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Awww, Baby!

Kai loves babies! Everytime we see one while we're out and about, he tries to take a peek. One of his favorite babies is his new cousin Charlotte. He spent most of New Year's Day snuggled up in the lap of whoever happened to be holding Charlotte. Aww, baby!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Breathing Treatment Blues

Good news: I'm finally feeling better after three weeks of being sick.
Bad news: Now, the boys are sick. Sage has a double ear infection. Kai has a single ear infection. They both have a respiratory virus. Kai is so bad that he has to have breathing treatments.

Kai's first breathing treatment was in the doctor's office this morning. Man, oh man was that rough! He screamed, cried, kicked, and squirmed his way through the 5 to 7 minutes of the process. I had to hold his arms down and the mask on his face. I wanted to cry right along with him because I felt so bad for him. Poor little guy! Fortunately, the breathing treatment did help. Unfortunately, Kai has to have treatments every 4 to 6 hours for the next week. Sounds like torture for all of us!

Update:Once we got home, the breathing treatments were MUCH easier. Thank goodness for the distraction of "Yo Gabba Gabba!" As long as his favorite tv show is on, Kai sits relatively still for his treatments. In fact, he must make it look like so much fun that Sage wants to do it too. Ha!

Mickey Dance Party

One of the boys' favorite Christmas gifts this year is "Dance Star Mickey." Here they are on a recent snow day having a dance party.

Sunday, January 2, 2011


Since I've had more time to spend with the boys over the holidays, I've noticed how much talking they are doing. Sage has been really chatty saying whole sentences and every word he can. He chatters the while he plays with his trains. It's so cute because it sounds like this, "ba be no ba Percy la la na crash...". The only words we can understand are "Percy" (his favorite train) and "crash" (his favorite thing to make the trains do).

Kai's speech, on the other hand, is very easy to understand. He actually said a three word sentence yesterday. He had some little bracelets that he wanted on his wrist. He came up to me, handed me the bracelet, and said, "put this on." I was shocked! My little man is so amazing. This is just another example of how Kai has defied all the odds of a preemie.

More Holiday Break Fun

Fun at the magic house

Sledding with PaPa

Chillin in the chair with Ella and some Gogurt

Making towers in the spice drawer while mom makes dinner

Cline/Kelly Christmas

The last celebration of the season...

Complete with good food

good times

and, of course, family.

Christmas at Granny's

Christmas Day

Christmas morning at our house...
Sage walked out and said "presents!" and immediately started tearing them open (ALL of them). Kai loved the Hokey Pokey Elmo Santa brought! Mmmmmmmm, wrapping paper!

what to do when it's too cold to go outside

Build forts and caves inside, of course!

Kai being surprised by the monster attacking his cave...

Sage protecting Kai from the monster...

The boys in their indoor tent/tunnel Granny gave them.

Santa's Magical Kingdom

Here's the fam enjoying the lights at Santa's Magical Kingdom...