Friday, May 25, 2012

Virtual Art Gallery

Since the boys have been in preschool, they have been busy creating artistic masterpieces that they love to share!  I've decided to start a virtual art gallery of their work on the blog...running down the side.  Check it out!

Boy Bonding

We recently attended Noah's opening day for t-ball. We enjoyed watching Noah play ball and the celebration at the ball park (free food, games, bounce houses, and access to police/fire/ambulance vehicles. Then we went back to Noah's house for some boy bonding time. Noah, Sage, and Kai had a great time! Noah fed us lunch, showed us his gardens, let us play with his toys, and shared his swing set. The boys had a great time!

Sage playing policeman...

Sage playing fireman...

Kai playing fireman...

Kai playing policeman...

Hoppy Easter!

Multiple egg hunts, LOTS of candy, fun with friends and family, and remembering the reason for the festivities - all adds up to one great Easter weekend!