Tuesday, March 31, 2020

COVID-19 Quarantine

It’s a strange and scary world right now. We are in the middle of a world wide pandemic caused by a Coronavirus named COVID-19. Most of the world including our city is under “stay at home” orders. No work unless you’re essential. No school. No sports - not even the professional kind. No olympics in 2020. Nothing but grocery stores and gas stations for at least another month. 

The last day the boys were at school was Friday, March 13, the day before Spring Break. Since then, we’ve started eLearning. We’re on day 18 of Coronaquarantine and trying to make the best of a concerning situation. 

Sunday, March 8, 2020

Good-bye, Basketball

So proud of Kai and his 4th grade, St. Joseph’s Crusaders’ team. They won all but one game in their regular season and won second place in today’s championship tournament game. It was a nail biter, one point loss in the final minute of the game. So close!! Kai was the leading scorer and king of rebounds all season. But, he couldn’t have done it without his awesome teammates. I loved watching them play together and can’t wait until next season!