Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Will You Check On Me?

For as long as Sage could talk, he has had an entire bedtime ritual that involves lots of stalling. When he was a toddler, I would have to lie on the floor next to his bed for hours until he fell asleep and stayed asleep.  For about the last five years, after the prayers, he has had this whole sequence of questions that had to be answered the same every night:
“Will you check on me?” - yes
“In 10 minutes?” - yes
“Even if you’re tired?” - yes

Now, both boys are still very routine at bedtime. First, when it’s bedtime, they pretend to be asleep on the couch or in my bed. This requires tickling them to get them up and moving. Then, it’s toothbrush time. Then, they want their water bottles filled. Then, it’s revised prayer time:
“Now I lay me down to rest, may all the world be blessed.”  

The original “Now I lay me down to rest” was too morbid for Sage.  After prayers, it’s hugs and kisses. A few weeks ago, they wanted to learn challenging math at bedtime. This week, they want a bedtime story from the “Calm” app. We listen to a story to help them fall asleep. Those stories are good because all three of us end up asleep before the story ends.  If they haven’t fallen asleep, and I exit the room, it’s never without exchanging “I love yous.” 

I have to say as maddening as bedtime can be with the boys’ rituals and stalling techniques, it’s also a favorite time of the day for me.  It’s predictable and sweet.  I love tucking my boys in and kissing their sweet faces feeling grateful that they are home safe and loved.