Sage had his first sting by an insect today. He was playing with some kids from his Tball team and they were walking along a retaining wall. Jared and I were talking to some other parents and heard him cry, "Mommmmmmy!" He came running and I could tell by his cry that something had happened. He managed to tell us he was stung by a "wasp." He cried for a few minutes and spent the rest of the Tball game nervously watching the grass around him for other bees and wasps. Anytime something would fly by him, he'd freak out. In fact, he didn't want to go outside the rest of the day. We tried to tell him that everyone gets stung at some point and that just the night before Uncle Justin had to go to urgent care because he was stung by a yellow jacket on the lip and his whole mouth swelled way beyond normal. Hope Sage doesn't spend the rest of the summer fretting about it. Poor buddy.
The whole situation must've worn him out because later in the afternoon, Sage curled up next to me and fell asleep on my shoulder - something he hasn't done in quite awhile.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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