Thursday, November 24, 2011

Two Thanksgiving Turkeys!

Our little turkeys (Sage and Kai) give us a million reasons to be thankful. This Thanksgiving, we are thankful we survived!

Thanksgiving mishaps round 1:
Thanksgiving morning started when Sage puked all over our bed at five am. He had an upset tummy all day, but stayed in good spirits.

Just before we left for the first meal of the day, Kai locked himself in the car with the only set of keys. You've got to be kidding me!!! After fifteen minutes of cajoling, we finally got Kai to unlock the car door! Woo hoo!

Thanksgiving mishap round 2:
Saturday morning, the entire Kelly family gathered to take family pictures at the Jewel Box. On the way to the car, Kai fell and hit his nose on the concrete step! Poor baby skinned his nose from between his eyes to the very tip. We are thankful it wasn't broken!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Dance Machines

Last night, we attended my cousin's wedding reception. Sage and Kai had a blast! They ate lots of sugar and then danced their little hearts out!

Pledge of Allegiance

Here is Sage reciting the Pledge of Allegiance...

God is Good!

Christian preschool is quickly rubbing off on Sage! Here he is saying a prayer.

World Champions!

Pictures from the World Series Championship Victory Celebration...

Our family has been enjoying the Cardinals baseball season since we attended Opening Day back in March. But, this season may have been the best ever! At the end of August, the Cardinals were 10 1/2 games out of the wild card race. We had pretty much given up hope. The Cardinals did not give up though. They ended up winning the wild card race on the last day of the season, beating the first place Phillies in the first round, and beating the Brewers in the second round to win the National League Championship. World we come!

The World Series was the best I've ever seen - a back and forth, up and down battle between the Cardinals and the Texas Rangers. After an epic game 6 in which our hometown hero, David Freese, hit a winning, walk-off homerun, we went to game seven. And, we won! What a comeback! The Cardinals won their 11th championship in 2011! Amazing! It's a season we will never forget!

Baby Parker

We have been fortunate to spend more time with Parker in the last few weeks. Here are some pictures of our time together...

Sidenote: After an evening of watching Parker by myself with the boys, I quickly decided that it wouldn't be good to have another baby right now. Kai was not having it! He kept trying to push Parker off my lap and would say, "No baby!" When he wasn't doing that, he was acting out trying to get my attention. Sage, on the other hand, was so sweet with her. He wanted to help feed her, change her, hold her. He was so gentle - it was cute! Maybe another year from now, Kai would be that way too!

Sticker Face Strikes Again!

This is what happens when Kai gets a hold of a sheet of stickers...

Happy Halloween!

Our little pirates - they may not be scary, but they sure are cute!

The boys really enjoyed Halloween this year. On Saturday, we went to Trick or Trunk at my work and the boys took home LOTS of candy! Kai was on a sugar high the whole ride home. He was sitting in his car seat shaking his whole body, screaming, and laughing! Hilarious.

Then, they had a party at preschool on Monday. So, when it came time to trick or treat - we didn't. The boys dumped their buckets of candy into a bowl and gladly passed it out to the trick or treaters who came to our house. Sage and Kai were more than happy to pass out candy! We still ended up with a whole bowl of candy which they've been working on finishing ever since.