Sunday, December 18, 2011

Family Pictures

Shining Stars

Sage and Kai had their first Christmas program on Tuesday, December 6, 2011. Both boys sang several songs with their preschool friends. Sage did really well until the very end of his first set when he saw me and started crying. Kai was hilarious! He was having so much fun - especially during the "Happy Birthday Jesus" song. Enjoy! Sage is in the back row, second from the left. Kai is in the front row, second from the left.

"My Monkey!"

Randomly and recently, Kai has become very attached to a stuffed monkey. He takes it everywhere with him - to school, to the playground, to bed, etc. Monkey even sits patiently on the stool while waiting for Kai to get out of the bathtub every night. Here he is with his monkey!

'Tis The Season

Here's our picture with Santa. We waited in line for 90 minutes only to have the professional camera break before it was our turn. Santa let us take this pic with our camera though. I love Kai's face! You would never know that thirty seconds before the picture was taken he was screaming because he was terrified when Santa tried to hold him.

We have thoroughly enjoyed the holiday season thus far. Sage is totally into Christmas this year. He especially enjoys looking at Christmas lights and seeing Santa Claus. Every night on our way home from preschool, the boys Oooh and Ahhh over all the Christmas lights we see. So much fun! As a parent, I find myself saying, "Santa's watching you" way too much! It just works so well! Ha!