Monday, January 28, 2019

Creative Kai!

Check out Kai’s creative robot invention!

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Geo Bee Champ!

We are so proud of Sage for winning 3rd place in the school Geography Bee today! He already won first place in his class bee advancing to today’s fiercely competitive final round. He and another kid went back and forth through several tiebreaker rounds before he took third. He answered challenging questions with names of places most of the audience had never heard of before. We are so proud of his hard work studying, his courage and perseverance during the Bee, and his good sportsmanship afterwards when congratulated the winners and said, “Great job!” to the other contestants. Way to go, Sage!

Saturday, January 12, 2019

Snowmageddon 2019

Yesterday, a huge snow storm hit the region. Fortunately, we were dismissed early from school and missed the huge traffic nightmare. Some people spent the night in their cars on the interstate. We ended up with nearly 12” of snow! Sage had a friend over for a sleepover and the boys had a blast playing in the snow last night and today. Lando, especially, loved the snow. He was having fun dropping his bone in the snow and digging it up.

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Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Happy New Year, 2019!

We rang in the New Year with friends and family followed by a lazy, pj day at home.

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