Saturday, June 14, 2008

update on Noah

We finally received more test results for Noah. Unfortunately, they're still mixed results. The doctors just don't know if the tissue still remaining inside Noah is positive or negative. At this point, the doctors advise against putting Noah through chemo. They suggest waiting and following up with future scans and tests. Noah has to have another scan done in three weeks to see if things have stayed the same, been reduced, or spread. Most likely, this type of wait and see, test and follow-up routine will continue on a frequent basis for the rest of his life.

As you can imagine, this is difficult news to hear as the cloud will be lingering over everyone's heads for awhile. Fortunately, though, Noah is young enough that he doesn't understand the gravity of the situtation and can just be his happy, adorable self (letting the adults do the worrying for him).

Please continue to pray for Baby boy's cousin, Noah. I know that Jared and I can't wait to have the two play together and be buds for life!

1 comment:

  1. I am so sorry to hear about Mr. Noah. I will keep him and all your family in my prayers.
