Monday, May 3, 2010

Good news/ Bad news

Good news: Kai finally has some chompers! His first two teeth are coming in on the bottom.
Bad news: He's putting everything in his mouth to soothe his gums - including mommy and daddy's fingers!

Good news: Kai is sleeping through the night. We moved him into his own bedroom last week. He's been sleeping from 7:30 pm to 7am usually only waking up once to eat. But, he's actually logged several nights of 11 hours straight. Woo hoo!
Bad news: The sleep gods hate me. Sage has NOT been sleeping through the night. Late last week, he started excercising his new found toddler independence by not wanting to go to bed (in his own bed). He wants to sleep with mommy and daddy. Thursday, he was up from midnight to four am. Friday, he did okay. Saturday, he was up until midnight. Sunday, he was up until 10:30.

Good news
: We had a lovely day playing in the backyard at Grandma and Papa's house Sunday. Sage and Kai had fun playing with Grandma, PaPa, Ella and Uncle Adam. We played on the swingset, "drove" the jeep, and watched the fish in the pond.
Bad news: Sage fell in the pond! Oops! Grandma and Papa have a decorative fish pond in the backyard. Sage threw in a plastic owl and was going to try to fish it out. He stepped right off the edge of the pond and fell in. I caught him by his diaper and pulled him right out, but he was soaked! He laughed. He wasn't scared at all - thank goodness. So, we cleaned off the slime and got him some dry clothes.

Good news: Ella let us borrow the dry clothes.
Bad news: Let's just say puffy sleeves and ruffled shorts aren't the best look for Sage.

Good news: My sister-in-law Sarah announced she is pregnant. We are so excited for Jon, Sarah, and Noah!
Bad news: If it's a boy, Noah wants to name him Mater.

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