Kai is also learning to talk very quickly and has words for: mom, dada, book, bubba, milk, bottle, again, more, bed, all done, dog, and much more. He also knows baby signs for more, all done, bed, and bye. Kai loves to sing and knows the motions for his favorite songs: Ring Around the Rosy, Itsy-Bitsy Spider, If You're Happy and You Know It, Pat-a-Cake, and The Hokey Pokey (he loves to "shake it all about").
It's just amazing to see him learning new things everyday. I'm also happy to notice he has taken a much greater interest in books lately. He loves to grab a book and crawl into our laps.
Sage is also learning quickly and his memory is fantastic! He has words for everything he knows. And, when he doesn't know something, he says, "what's that?" Sage loves to be outside playing in dirt or water. We've been taking advantage of the unseasonably warm weather lately and taking a few extra romps in the fountains around town.
Sage is also becoming more social and loves to make new friends. He has a first friend, Clayton, that goes to the same babysitter. And, of course, his brother is his best buddy too.

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