Sunday, January 10, 2016

Best Buddies?

People always ask me if the boys are best buddies or if they fight. I always say both. They play really well together and are definitely best buddies. But, about every 10-15 minutes, a fight breaks out. Fortunately, the fights are really more like short outbursts and they are quick to make up.

Here's an exchange between the two that just happened:
They're playing a video game together...
K: (out of the blue) Sage, you're my best friend and I love you.
S: Ok
10 seconds pass (something happens while they're playing)
K: Saaage! Why did you do that?!! (Angry and stomps off)
S: It's not my fault!!!
K: I take back what I said!!
Both come to us to mediate the situation and 60 seconds later they're hugging it out, playing together and laughing again.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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