Monday, August 25, 2008


Since moving into a new house, a certain amount of nesting is inevitable. However, I can say that now I'm fully nesting! I can spot a speck of dirt a mile away and can't rest until it's gone.

Today's example: the ledge above the window in the bathroom has been collecting dust for who knows how long. Today, I finally hopped up onto the toliet so that I could reach and wiped the dust away. In the process, I noticed also noticed the paint was chiped on the window and seriously considered painting it. I would've too, if I didn't have to go down the steps to get the paint! In addition, I hung a set of curtains, did loads of laundry, swept the floors, cleaned the bathroom, wiped off the wall where Rosco eats and splashes water everywhere, and wiped off some unknown yellowish substance from the front door! I even cleaned the baseboards - apparently that's the nesting cliche.

It's a good thing my nesting instincts are put into check my enormous belly, aching back, and swollen feet/hands. Otherwise, we'd really be in trouble.

I feel bad for Jared because the things that I want done that I can't do, he has to do. And, that's a lot! Luckily, he takes it all in stride and always gets things done (even if it is on his timeline and not mine). =)

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