The boys went to the doctor today. Jared had to work and I had a minor freak-out when he told me that. How on Earth was I going to handle both boys at the doctor by myself when they were both going to be getting shots. Thank God for mothers!!! My mom met me there to help out.
Kai now weighs 7 lbs., 2 oz. and is 19 inches long. Doing great!!! Screamed bloody murder when he got his shot. But, laughed out loud when Dr. Ortiz told Sage he would be getting 4 shots. Of course, he was laughing in his sleep, but the timing was so perfect.
Sage now weighs 23 lbs., 15 oz. and is 31 inches long. Very big! He has a cold and an ear infection, so no shots for him today. Dr. Ortiz is very impressed with Sage's demeanor - always happy and "so sweet." He is a happy little guy.
Feeling very blessed these days. Even in the midst of chaos. For example, this evening, I was making dinner, Sage was playing with his shape sorter on the floor in the kitchen, and Kai was sleeping. We had the i-pod on listening to some Bob Marley. Sage and I were dancing as I was waiting for the meat to defrost. All the sudden, Kai is screaming because he's hungry. I have to put Sage down to get Kai. So, Sage starts screaming. Two screaming boys for a couple minutes until I Kai's bottle goes in his mouth and Sage gets distracted by the magnets on the fridge. I look around the kitchen - dishes and ingredients are spread out all over the counters, colored plastic shapes are all over the kitchen floor, Sage is playing quietly with the magnets, Kai is eating, and I'm exhausted after a long day. But, Bob Marley's singing, "Every little thing's gonna be alright," and it is. Life is good. Everyone sat together at the table for dinner (as we do nearly every night). At the end of the day, we're all home as a family - the boys are healthy and oh so handsome, Jared and I are great and feeling content. We have food to eat, a house of our own, jobs to go to, lots of great friends, and the best family ever!
It is true, "every little thing's gonna be alright."