Friday, October 23, 2009

Kai's test results and Sage the monster =)

Kai's test this morning showed no structural abnormalities. That's a great thing. So, now we just have to try different formulas and medicines until we find a combo that helps. In the meantime, I'm grateful for the friends and family who have shared their support and advice.

I spent some extra one-on-one time with Sage today because Jared was home. He's so independent! The little guy use to eat anything we would put in front of him. The last few days, he is refusing to eat certain foods - things he appeared to like a few days ago. He actually spits them out or won't even open his mouth. I guess he just realized that he can say no. Uh oh!

Sage has also started throwing temper tantrums. Already?!!! When he gets mad, he tries to bite us. Or, he throws himself on the floor on his hands and knees and spins himself in circles. (I have to get some video of this because it's actually quite humorous.) Sometimes, he rolls on the ground or even bangs his hands and feet on the floor. My question is - where on Earth did he learn to do that? I've always wondered that when I've seen my niece and nephew throw fits - who taught them to do that? But, obviously, Sage has never seen Jared or I throw ourselves on the ground or bite people when we're mad - it makes me think babies just naturally know how to throw tantrums. Weird.

Any advice for the biting??? Sage used to bite us to test out his new teeth - which by the way he now has 6 teeth (2 more of the top front teeth came in). But, now that he's started biting on purpose when he's mad, that's not acceptable. And, it hurts!

1 comment:

  1. No advice for the biting, but mine is a little monster too. Such a temper! He throws himself on the ground and hits his head on the floor and become a noodle when you try to pick him up. All of that to say, if you hear any good advice or read any good books, let me know!
