It finally feels like the holiday season. We've been so busy with the boys and battling sickness, that it hasn't really felt much like the holidays. Until yesterday, that is...
Our morning started with a trip to see Santa Claus at the mall. The Santa at the South County mall is a friend who has known me since I was a little girl. ;) We waited about 30 minutes in line and ended up with one of
those pictures. Sage's shirt is pulled up so his diaper and belly are sticking out, Kai has his hands in front of his face, and Santa's tongue is sticking out! It's a good thing we weren't expecting a perfect picture, knowing that would likely be impossible with a 15 month old and a 4 month old. It's all about the memories!!!
We came home from the mall and all 4 of us took a long nap! Hooray. I've really missed napping since I've been back at work.
After the boys went to bed, Jared and I worked side-by-side in the kitchen making cookies while listening to holiday music. I think that was the first time in our 7 year marriage that we have made cookies together. Loved it! It doesn't even matter that the first two batches of cookies are a little dry. Less flour next year...
Afterwards, Jared and I watched a Christmas movie while snuggled on the couch. And, amazingly, enough, I stayed awake for the whole movie!!!
Today, Jared is working while I do laundry and take care of thing 1 and thing 2. I might even attempt to let Sage decorate the cookies with frosting and sprinkles. When Jared gets home, I'm going to finish my shopping. Then, we will tackle the monstrous task of wrapping all the presents.