Sage is 21 months old and appears to already have mastered the terrible twos. His favorite word is "no," he regularly tests the limits, and he's perfected the dreaded whine. Oh, and he refuses to eat anything but blueberries, hot dogs, and cheese. Not to mention the "masterpiece" he scribbled in blue all over our white doors, tan hallway, and hardwood floors. Needless to say, coloring is now a highly supervised activity (thank goodness for the Magic Eraser). Fortunately for Sage, he is the world's cutest toddler with an infectious, although often mischeiveous, giggle. He also loves to snuggle and is much more generous with his sweet, slobbery kisses. It's such fun to be his mom.

I also love being Kai's mom. He went from crawling to cruising in two short weeks. I imagine he'll start walking in the next month. Kai is by far the most charming baby I've ever met. He has so much personality for someone who is barely nine months old. I'd like to imagine that he'll remain his adorable little self forever. But, like Sage, who I never imagined being a typical, test-the-limits toddler, I forsee a couple rounds of terrible twos in our future. Having said that, I do believe I'm having the best time of my life raising these two amazing little boys.
Sounds like you are talking about Ella, that is except for Sage's artistic abilities. I remember when Ella when throught the blueberry, pancake, hotdog, and mac & cheese stage; wait.... she's still in this stage! Lol! - Melissa