I'm back at work full-time and both Jared and I are back in school. Jared is finishing his last semester of his MBA and I'm starting my Educational Specialist degree. In my first class last week, we were making introductions and I mentioned that I have two sons who are both one, but not twins. It's fun to see people try to figure that out for a few seconds!
Sage is totally into choo-choos and after his birthday party on Saturday is in choo-choo heaven! He tries to carry all of the trains with him everywhere he goes. This morning, he tried carrying one of the tracks out the door too! Sage is talking more and stringing words together to make sentences. In big news, he is in a big boy bed! Well, sort of. We converted his crib to a toddler bed because he was climbing out all the time anyway. So far, he stays in it! Yippee!
Kai also has a new bed. We finally gave up on the boys sharing a room. Thus, we moved one of the cribs from Sage's room into the third bedroom. Finally, Kai is out of the pack-n-play and into a real bed.
Kai is growing by leaps and bounds. He is an eating machine and eats everything we put in front of him, he does not discriminate! Kai recently learned how to blow kisses - adorable. He has taken just a couple steps, but is growing more confident with his standing skills and I expect him to take off anyday now. Kai is a rough and tumble little guy. He definitely prefers wrestling to reading.
Rosco gets an honorable mention here. She is the most gentle, patient dog. Rosco lets the boys climb on her, pull her tail, chase her, and even try to ride on her. She is often seen hovering under the highchairs waiting for food to fall - and it always does (thus, a need for frequent baths). Rosco loves the boys as much as they love her.
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