Sunday, January 22, 2017

Snuggling Sage

Sage loves to snuggle. He gets very upset if he doesn't have a lot of snuggle time in the evenings. He has a meltdown if, because we're not home, he doesn't get any snuggle time. Jared and I joke that he's going to be a 30 year old man who still wants a snuggle with his mom. Well, tonight, Sage went to bed (after plenty of snuggle time) and about 30 minutes later he yells, "Mommy!" from his room. Jared and I assume it's because he's scared (he had been watching a scary show earlier in the day). This is how the conversation continued.

M: "What?"
S: "I'm sad!"
M: "Why?"
S: "When I get older I won't be able to snuggle with you!"
(tugs at my heart strings)
M: Yes, you will.
J: Now, go to sleep.

5 minutes later
S: I'm still sad! (Obviously crying now)
M: Do you need a hug?
S: yes

So, then, I go into his room and he's crying. I ask him why and he responds, "When you die, I won't get to see you again and I won't get to snuggle." 💔

After a few minutes of conversation and snuggling, he agrees to go to sleep. I love this kid! He has such a big heart and cares deeply for others. Sure, it can cause concern at times. But, I love that he's so sensitive and caring.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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