Sunday, March 2, 2008

Boy or girl?

Even though we're waiting until the birth day to find out if it's a boy or a girl, we've had plenty of "discussions" about it. Jared is convinced it's a boy, and speaks of the baby using he or him. I'm not convinced either way, but I'm advocating for a girl, just incase. I don't want Jared to be disappointed at delivery time when it's a girl. So, I say she and her.

According to the wise Mayans, it's either a boy or a girl. Ha! The formula for prediction according to the Mayan calendar is: the mom's age at conception + the month of conception. If the sum is even, it's a girl. If the sum is odd, it's a boy. My age at conception was 28. Originally, we thought the month of conception was January (month #1) meaning 28 + 1 = 29 or odd - It's a boy! But, according to the ultrasound, baby measured 8 weeks, 3 days. That would be three days earlier for conception meaning December (month #12) 28 + 12 = 40 or even - it's a girl!

We've heard from people who predict based on "gut instinct" a girl. We've read that because I'm craving sweets (highly unusual for someone who prefers salty), it's a girl. Every dream I have is about a girl. Not to mention that the one name we've agreed on since before we were married is a girl's name.

But, there is plenty of evidence on the contrary. Jared dreams about a boy. Baby boys outnumber baby girls right now. And, according the equally wise Chinese, it's a boy whether conceived in January or December.

Either way, it doesn't matter. Healthy is all we care about.

So, what's your prediction?? Boy or girl?

1 comment:

  1. I was hoping for one of each. Either way, PaPa and I will love Baby Kelly as much as Ella and Noah.
    This is a wonderful way to document this wonderful event.
    Love, Mom
