Since I'm writing this blog as a record to my son of his early life, I have to record perhaps one of the most memorable moments of my life. If Sage was old enough to understand, he would realize it as a most memorable moment of his life as well.
Words cannot express how proud I am of this country for electing its first African-American president. I never imagined, but always hoped this day would come in my lifetime. I remember in grade school looking at the posters of the presidents and wondering why they all looked the same - older white men (no women, no one of color). It's so amazing that my son will not have to think that. Sage will know that he has the opportunity to become anything he wants to be - even President of the United States. He will be able to look at President Obama and see another example of a thoughtful, well educated, intelligent, ambitious, and eloquent black man.
I know that I will never forget this night and what it means to our family, to our country, and even to the world. It's such a wonderful moment that the world is so accepting of a man whose diverse background and color of skin is less important than the strength of his character. What a momentous, joyous day in American history! I can't stop crying tears of joy.
To Sage: Mom, Dad, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and friends will always love you no matter what. We will never judge you because of the color of your skin. We will be here for you when you struggle with others who might. But, tonight, we have more hope than ever that you too will be judged by your character rather than your race.