Saturday, November 1, 2008

Props to Daddy

I just have to say how grateful I am to have such a wonderful husband. Jared has always been a phenomenal husband who never lets me forget how much he loves me. But, in the last two months of Sage's life, I have seen Jared transform into a superb father. His immense love for Sage is obvious in the little things: a sparkle in his eyes, the soft voice he uses when trying to soothe Sage, the careful way he holds him, the songs he makes up and sings to Sage, and even in the way he washes baby bottles or doesn't complain about emptying the super stinky diaper pail.

While Jared and I are both sleep deprived these days, neither of us complains about waking up to care for Sage. In fact, we both look forward to those times because it means it's our alone time with Sage when the other person is asleep and can't steal the little guy away!

This week, I spent some time completing an internship for my elementary administration degree. Jared works evenings right now, so he cares for Sage during the day until I get home from work. I know how time consuming and exhausting it is to take care of Sage during the day because his needs always come first. Plus, Sage doesn't really sleep much at all whether it's day or night. But, when I came home yesterday, I almost cried because the house was clean, the laundry folded, and Sage was smiling. It reminded me once again of how blessed I am to have such a wonderful husband. I know someday soon, Sage will recognize how lucky he is to have an awesome dad!

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