Jared and I had our first night out since Sage was born. I had to drop the little guy off at Bert and Buttons' house yesterday afternoon. It was tough for me to leave him and I almost cried. When I got back to the house after dropping him off, the first thing I did was take a nap (imagine that - needing a nap!).
Later, we dressed in our costumes (Jared was Jesus and I was "the devil in disguise") and went to Justin and Cora's for a Halloween party. We had a great time and slept soundly for several hours.
You would think that I would sleep late since Sage isn't here to wake me up. However, I'm so used to waking up early with Sage. He usually wakes up around 6 or 6:30 to eat. So, here I am wide awake early on a Sunday morning when I could be sleeping. I'm going to try going back to sleep in a few minutes.
But, I knew that Kelly would have posted pictures of Sage meeting his cousins on her blog, so I had to check. There is my little guy with his grandparents and cousins - Mady and Alex. It makes me miss him, but I'm glad to see he's not crying! He does have his serious face on, of course!

I can't imagine Sage not having his serious face on when meeting new people. It's just crazy how intensely Sage studies faces and his surroundings. He almost always has this super serious look on his face like he's thinking about solving all of the world's problems or something. It makes me anxious for him to start talking so I can hear what he's thinking about in that little head of his. Strangely enough, I often wonder what goes through Jared's head as well just because he's so creative and thoughtful about everything. But, at the same time, Jared very rarely looks serious, he's always smiling his gorgeous smile.
We definitely know that Sage takes after me with his crabbiness in the morning. I've never been cheerful when I first wake up, no matter how well or long I've slept. Jared always tries to get me to talk, but I don't like to talk in the morning. Sage is super crabby in the mornings and almost always wakes up crying! Such a character already.
Alex and Mady loved Sage! Especially Mady. She kept trying to take him from PaPa! She was so sweet with him. I hope they grow up being close and great friends! I will print out a copy of the pictures for you if you would like them!