Saturday was a beautiful day! We went to my parents house for lunch/dinner. Unfortunately, Sarah was sick so not everyone was there. But, Adam did get to meet Kai. In fact, Kai was already wrapped in Adam's arms before I even got in the door! Kai enjoyed a long nap on Uncle Adam's chest and later, laughed out loud at his funny faces.
It was a great day with family. It's always so much fun when all the cousins (Ella, Noah, Sage, and Kai) play together. Ella, the oldest, gets to boss everyone around - including the adults. She had all of us running around the backyard like Speedy Gonzales and the Road Runner - beep, beep. =) She is too funny. Noah is all grown up - so tall for someone who is not even 3 yet. Noah was being very patient with Sage when Sage kept stealing his toys. Poor guy!
A fabulous weekend!
Monday, November 30, 2009
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Thanksgiving 2009

Round 1 was today: Jared's side of the family. Feeling quite thankful for Darla's amazing cooking! Yum yum! Also, after hearing many of my friends complain about their in-laws, I'm feeling exceptionally grateful that I genuinely enjoy my in-laws company. Today was relaxing and enjoyable at Jared's mom's house and then at his dad's. They all love the boys so much and are so great to them and to us. Such a blessing to be a part of the Kelly family. Only one thing missing today - Keisha (we were thinking of you!).
One more note of thanks - thank you to Kai man who did not cry at all on the way down to the in-laws or on the way home!!! Since he usually screams the whole time he's in the car seat, this was quite the gift.
Round 2: on Saturday with my side. Looking forward to the whole family being together - the first time since July! So glad I'll get to see Adam and that he'll get to meet his newest nephew.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Fall Fun
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Feeling Thankful
Right now, I'm thankful for:
- my dad (the best grandpa to the boys - he just spent the whole day with BOTH of them by himself and still went home smiling)
- all of Sage and Kai's grandparents (each one is awesome and special offering unconditional love to our boys)
- Jared (the love of my life, best dad ever, and someone who ALWAYS makes me laugh even when I want to be mad at him)
- Sage (silly, playful, huggable, inquisitive, and just plain incredible)
- Kai (sweet, sensitive, adorable, affectionate, and the best surprise!)
- Rosco (for being such a patient, loving, great dog)
- having a job that I love
- friendships lasting over 20 years (one word: amazing)
- newer, but equally as fulfilling friendships
- our home (cozy and perfect for us)
- our extended families
- good books
- good music that fills our home and our lives
- and much, much more!!!!
- my dad (the best grandpa to the boys - he just spent the whole day with BOTH of them by himself and still went home smiling)
- all of Sage and Kai's grandparents (each one is awesome and special offering unconditional love to our boys)
- Jared (the love of my life, best dad ever, and someone who ALWAYS makes me laugh even when I want to be mad at him)
- Sage (silly, playful, huggable, inquisitive, and just plain incredible)
- Kai (sweet, sensitive, adorable, affectionate, and the best surprise!)
- Rosco (for being such a patient, loving, great dog)
- having a job that I love
- friendships lasting over 20 years (one word: amazing)
- newer, but equally as fulfilling friendships
- our home (cozy and perfect for us)
- our extended families
- good books
- good music that fills our home and our lives
- and much, much more!!!!
The Most Disgusting...
Okay, so Sage decided to top the booger on the cheek and poop on the hand...
The last two times he took a bath, he has pooped in the tub! YUUUCCK!
The last two times he took a bath, he has pooped in the tub! YUUUCCK!
Monday, November 16, 2009
back to work
Monday was my first day back to work from maternity leave. I was so anxious, I couldn't sleep last night. It felt like the first day of school. The drive in wasn't bad - certainly am looking forward to Hwy 40 reopening in a month. When I got to my office, though, I wanted to turn around and go home. It's amazing how much mail and work had piled up while I was gone!!!
So, instead of dealing with all the piles, I went around to the classrooms to visit with all my teachers - much more fun! It was so great to see everyone and catch up on how all them and their families are doing. We didn't even really talk "school" today - just life. That's a good thing since 90% of my job's success rides on my relationships with my teachers. It was also great to see the students!
Of course, I missed my boys. I called Jared to see how things were going. Sage was napping and Kai had just woke up. No one was crying or screaming and Jared seemed just fine. We'll see how it is when I get home.
When I got home, the boys were clean and fed. No one was screaming or crying - in fact, they seemed quite happy. I have the best husband in the world!!! I really feel blessed that Jared is such an amazing dad.
So, instead of dealing with all the piles, I went around to the classrooms to visit with all my teachers - much more fun! It was so great to see everyone and catch up on how all them and their families are doing. We didn't even really talk "school" today - just life. That's a good thing since 90% of my job's success rides on my relationships with my teachers. It was also great to see the students!
Of course, I missed my boys. I called Jared to see how things were going. Sage was napping and Kai had just woke up. No one was crying or screaming and Jared seemed just fine. We'll see how it is when I get home.
When I got home, the boys were clean and fed. No one was screaming or crying - in fact, they seemed quite happy. I have the best husband in the world!!! I really feel blessed that Jared is such an amazing dad.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
The Great Debate
Of the following two incidents that happened within five minutes of each other today, which is more disgusting???
a) a booger flying out of someone's nose and landing on your cheek OR
b) someone's poop squirting onto your hand?
A) Kai sneezed. I went to get the bulb syringe to suck out the booger. Right as I was looking closely at his nose to suck out the booger, Kai sneezed again. And ---- plop, right onto my cheek lands the biggest, greenest, gooiest booger he's ever produced.
B) After washing my cheek off I noticed Sage walking a little funny. I got a little closer and could smell the reason - he had pooped. I went to change him. Open the diaper and oh, my...grossness - the biggest, greeniest, gooiest POOP he has ever produced. I start wiping him up and out squirts more of the grossness, right onto my hand. EEEWWWWWW!!!!
I think I need another shower!!!
(PS) My vote is A. I can handle poop and puke relatively well, but boogers really gross me out!!!
a) a booger flying out of someone's nose and landing on your cheek OR
b) someone's poop squirting onto your hand?
A) Kai sneezed. I went to get the bulb syringe to suck out the booger. Right as I was looking closely at his nose to suck out the booger, Kai sneezed again. And ---- plop, right onto my cheek lands the biggest, greenest, gooiest booger he's ever produced.
B) After washing my cheek off I noticed Sage walking a little funny. I got a little closer and could smell the reason - he had pooped. I went to change him. Open the diaper and oh, my...grossness - the biggest, greeniest, gooiest POOP he has ever produced. I start wiping him up and out squirts more of the grossness, right onto my hand. EEEWWWWWW!!!!
I think I need another shower!!!
(PS) My vote is A. I can handle poop and puke relatively well, but boogers really gross me out!!!
Monday, November 9, 2009
Friday, November 6, 2009
Magical Moby
So, as you know life with 2 under 2 is challenging. I always have my hands full - literally! With Kai's reflux, he wants to be held all the time, making it nearly impossible to do anything. Until now...
I bought a Moby wrap today and am in heaven!!! It's comfortable for both me and Kai. I can snuggle Kai to my chest and still have 2 hands free. Awesome. I've gained a whole new sense of freedom.
I've tried all the other slings/carriers and this is the only one that I feel comfortable not using my hands for extra support. Go Moby!!!
I bought a Moby wrap today and am in heaven!!! It's comfortable for both me and Kai. I can snuggle Kai to my chest and still have 2 hands free. Awesome. I've gained a whole new sense of freedom.
I've tried all the other slings/carriers and this is the only one that I feel comfortable not using my hands for extra support. Go Moby!!!
Birthweight Doubled
Kai had his 2 month check-up this morning. He weighs 9lbs. 7 oz. and is 22 inches long. He has more than doubled his birthweight in two months. Good growing Kai!
We're still working on the reflux issues. He's now on Zantac for the acid and prune juice for the constipation (a result of switching to a soy formula). Hopefully we start to see some improvement...
We're still working on the reflux issues. He's now on Zantac for the acid and prune juice for the constipation (a result of switching to a soy formula). Hopefully we start to see some improvement...
Thursday, November 5, 2009
6 hours in a row!
Kai slept for 6 hours in a row last night! This is a wonderful development for our little man who has previously only slept for 3 to 4 hours if we were lucky. I couldn't believe it. He might have even slept longer if I hadn't poked him to make sure he was still breathing!!! Hopefully, Kai's turned a corner and will start sleeping longer. Although Kai is still having reflux issues, he is really a happy baby (when he's not in pain). He loves kisses and smiles real wide when we give them to him. He also smiles really big the first time he focuses on our faces after a nap. It's so adorable, just melts our hearts! It's crazy how one little smile from him can make tears come to my eyes.
Sage is doing great too - becoming such a big boy. He learns things so quickly now. We only have to show him how to do something once and he's got it. He's also becoming quite the social butterfly. Yesterday, at the playground, he was getting hugs from all the little girls. One little girl was mesmerized by his curly locks and kept running her hands through his hair. It was too cute! Sage loves the playground - he can even go up the steps and down the little slide by himself. Which, of course, is the only way he'll do it - so independent. He hates it when I try to hold his hand!
As we were leaving the playground yesterday, I let Sage walk back to the car. The sun was going down behind us and Sage discovered his shadow in a field full of leaves. I watched him laugh and giggle as he tried to catch his shadow while running across the field. It was such a beautiful sight - the colorful leaves, the setting sun, the giggling child chasing his shadow. I think moments like that are so incredible because they always remind me of what life is all about.
Sage is doing great too - becoming such a big boy. He learns things so quickly now. We only have to show him how to do something once and he's got it. He's also becoming quite the social butterfly. Yesterday, at the playground, he was getting hugs from all the little girls. One little girl was mesmerized by his curly locks and kept running her hands through his hair. It was too cute! Sage loves the playground - he can even go up the steps and down the little slide by himself. Which, of course, is the only way he'll do it - so independent. He hates it when I try to hold his hand!
As we were leaving the playground yesterday, I let Sage walk back to the car. The sun was going down behind us and Sage discovered his shadow in a field full of leaves. I watched him laugh and giggle as he tried to catch his shadow while running across the field. It was such a beautiful sight - the colorful leaves, the setting sun, the giggling child chasing his shadow. I think moments like that are so incredible because they always remind me of what life is all about.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Halloween 2009

We had a great Halloween that started off with Mady's birthday party. Mady is Sage and Kai's cousin who just turned 4. Everyone dressed in costume - I was a referee and the boys were cage fighters. I think I'll save the referee costume for when the boys really start fighting. =) The party was a lot of fun. Kai enjoyed being passed around so much he slept through the whole party! Sage, on the other hand, was wide awake and enjoying every minute. He played with all the toy vehicles and loved going down the slide. He also had a good time hiding in Mady's new playhouse.
After the party, we went to Darla's house for trick-or-treating. Sage dressed in his lion costume and Kai continued to sleep. We didn't actually take Sage out trick-or-treating. He just greeted all the trick-or-treaters at the door. Good times!
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