Round 1 was today: Jared's side of the family. Feeling quite thankful for Darla's amazing cooking! Yum yum! Also, after hearing many of my friends complain about their in-laws, I'm feeling exceptionally grateful that I genuinely enjoy my in-laws company. Today was relaxing and enjoyable at Jared's mom's house and then at his dad's. They all love the boys so much and are so great to them and to us. Such a blessing to be a part of the Kelly family. Only one thing missing today - Keisha (we were thinking of you!).
One more note of thanks - thank you to Kai man who did not cry at all on the way down to the in-laws or on the way home!!! Since he usually screams the whole time he's in the car seat, this was quite the gift.
Round 2: on Saturday with my side. Looking forward to the whole family being together - the first time since July! So glad I'll get to see Adam and that he'll get to meet his newest nephew.
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