Friday, April 17, 2009

Any name suggestions for a boy?

I had a monthly visit to the doctor yesterday to check on baby #2. Everything is good. Baby's heart rate this time was 159. Much lower than 172, so there's still hope it's a boy. =) We scheduled the big ultrasound for May 21st. Jared still insists that he's going to find out the sex and I still insist I'm not. So, we agreed that we must decide on names before the ultrasound. Otherwise, if I suggest a name like Simon for a boy, Jared might agree. Then, I'll know it's not a boy because Jared would never agree to that name.
We have a name for a girl (we're not telling). But, please feel free to offer your suggestions for a boy name!

In other news, last night was my last class for my Master's degree! Hooray! Now, I just have to finish my portfolio so I can complete the graduation requirements. I gave myself a break and do not have to have that finished until July. But, that does not mean I can procrastinate!!! I'm just so thrilled to be finished with classes. This last class, Research Methods, was a killer.


  1. So what is the name for a girl? Just curious!! Congrats on finishing your last class for your Masters...a GREAT accomplishment!

  2. We're not telling the girl name! Some people may already know from when we were pregnant the first time.
