So, yesterday I realized that I have not mentioned baby #2 on the blog except to tell everyone that we are expecting. I'm feeling guilty about that - already giving less attention to Baby #2.
Here's what's been happening with Baby #2 and Mom...
I entered the second trimester on Monday, so I'm feeling a lot better. For the most part, the nausea has disappeared. Now, it's just the occassional yuckiness with certain smells. I'm also feeling more energetic and find it easier to sleep. Sage has been helping out with the sleep since he is becoming more consistent with sleeping through the night. Thank you, son!
My most recent doctor's appointment was March 19th at about 12 weeks. It was just a quick check up with a chance to hear baby's heartbeat. Unfortunately, there were a few tense moments when the nurse couldn't find the heartbeat and neither could my doctor (at first). Once the doctor was able to find the heartbeat - it was a quick 172 beats per minute. I'm thinking girl - because Sage's heartbeat was always in the 140's. And, they say that girls' heartbeats tend to be faster than boys.
Having said that, we are NOT finding out the sex of the baby this time. Well, at least I'm not. Jared says he's going to and he's going to keep it a secret from everyone for the last 4 months. He's not a very good secret-keeper, so we shall see. He better not ruin the surprise!
Here's a picture of what baby bean looks like this week:

Baby bean is about 3 inches long, weighs 1 ounce, and has her own fingerprints. More updates after my next doctor's appointment in a couple weeks.
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