Sage mesmerized by the fireworks
I took Sage downtown to see the fireworks on the riverfront tonight. It has always been one of my favorite things in life - to watch the fireworks down where you hear the music, the crowd, and can feel the explosions in your chest.
So, of course I had to take Sage for his first experience - not knowing whether he would enjoy it or not. I only took him down for the fireworks. We got there about 8:30 and listened to the end of the Counting Crows show. Sage was super excited - even on the walk down there, he was squealing with delight as he bounced up in down in his stroller. He loved the concert too.
The first firework exploded and I waited for Sage's reaction. He was mystified! The first five minutes of the show, he didn't move, he just watched intently. Then, he started getting excited and low and behold, he clapped for the first time!!! I've been trying to get Sage to clap his hands for over a month now and tonight he did it. It was the cutest thing ever - to see how excited he was!
Can't wait until next year...
It is so exciting being a mommy isn't it?!