Wednesday, September 23, 2009

A day in the life of...

a mom with two under two.

So, Jared had to work today and is now out with Chad to celebrate Chad's birthday. Translation - Mandy had the boys by herself ALL day and night. The day went rather smoothly. Both boys took naps well and didn't have to eat at the same time (a big challenge). I even managed to get a shower and a 30 minute nap in while both boys slept. That's a true success!

Then, came the night shift. Of course, as I start to feed Sage dinner, Kai wakes up hungry. Kai is VERY impatient when it comes to food. When he is hungry, he is mad! So, the juggling began. Trying to feed both boys at the same time is no fun. I usually can accomplish this by putting Kai on my lap and feeding him with my left hand while I feed Sage with the right. Trouble is, Sage has recently decided that he wants to feed himself using the spoon. This requires me to use two hands - one to hold the dish Sage is eating out of and the other to help guide the spoon into his mouth. Needless to say, not much guiding of the spoon was happening. Thus, Sage's "summer vegetable dinner" was everywhere - in his hair, on his face, up his nose, on the floor, on the table, on me, and even a glob of green goo landed on poor Kai. So, Kai got enough of the bottle to pacify him until Sage finished.

After dinner, Sage took a short dip in the tub while Kai's waited patiently on the boppy pillow. Sage had been showing signs of tiredness since way before dinner and cried after being put into his pajamas. So, I tried putting him to bed.

I'm finishing Kai's feeding. Sage is crying. No, now he's screaming. 10 minutes goes by and Sage is still crying/screaming. But, Kai is still eating. A few minutes later, I hear a gagging sound. I had to put Kai down because I knew what was coming. Sure enough, I get into Sage's room just as he pukes green goo all over the floor. Great!!!

I get the mess cleaned up and as I step onto the kitchen floor to throw the paper towels away, I step in something wet. I look down and there is a trail of wet spots leading all the way to a big puddle at the back door. Rosco (our dog) had peed all over. You've got to be kidding me! I realize this is my fault because in all the chaos of dinner, bath, bed, and puking child, I forgot that Rosco needed to go out.

So, after cleaning up the messes, Sage gets to come out of bed for awhile. Kai finishes his dinner and falls back asleep. Sage finally goes to bed at 9 pm - an hour later than normal. I finally get to eat my dinner. I could go to bed, but I know as soon as I close my eyes, Kai will be hungry again. Might just try it anyway.

Rough night!

(PS) Just as I hit "publish post", guess who starts crying? See, I told you it was time for Kai to wake up hungry.

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