Sage and I left the wedding a little early to go pick up Kai. It felt so good to disconnect all the monitors that were attached to Kai and just hold the little sweetheart and walk out with him too. Amazing feeling! Sage, Kai, and I drove to my mom's house to spend the night since I knew Jared would be out late fulfilling his best-man duties. It was an exhauting night between Kai's 3 hour feedings, pumping, and worrying about whether Kai was still breathing. We all three slept in the same room (me in the bed, Sage in the pack-n-play, and Kai in the crib). Sage snored and Kai squeaked all night! The bad part is when the boys weren't snoring or squeaking, I freaked out thinking that one of them had stopped breathing or something. No sleep for mommy!
Sunday was a great day! It was Sage's birthday party and we had SO much fun! We had a great turn out and I was so thrilled to see so many people who love and care about our little guys. Most people got see Kai at least though we tried to keep him hidden so he wouldn't catch any germs. Sage was super happy at his party! Cake time was the best! Although he spit out any cake that actually made it into his mouth, he thoroughly enjoyed smacking the cake to pieces. Cake was flying everywhere. It was the funniest thing ever. Good thing we were outside. After a quick dip in the tub, Sage "opened" his presents. Well, really Jared opened them. Sage was more interested in standing on his own and listening to everyone cheer when he did! So adorable. There was one gift that was a hit with Sage. He got a push toy (a train) that makes music and lots of other things. Sage walked around my mom's house - back and forth, back and forth, back and forth until he crashed for the night. Then, he got up and did it again the next morning - back and forth, back and forth. He was so excited.
Monday we caught up on sleep and went to Jared's dad house for a couple hours for a bbq. Then, we finally came home to our own house - all four of us. It was lovely to be home as a family - the four of us and of course, Rosco. Rosco was super happy to see her family. I don't think she's realized yet that there is a second baby in the house.
Today was the first real day Jared and I had the boys to ourselves. It wasn't bad. Jared went to work at 3 and I've had the boys by myself since. It hasn't been too bad - busy, but not bad. The worst was from 6 to 7 pm because both boys needed to eat. I fed Kai first and thought he was asleep so I laid him down and started feeding Sage. Kai started crying - which he rarely does, so I went to check on him and he had spit up all over himself. So, I had to hold him (in his wet clothes) until Sage finished his dinner. I was juggling for a while there. But, hey it's 8:30 now, both boys are asleep and I've been sitting still for 15 whole minutes. Hooray! Kai went to the doctor this morning. He has gained 5 ounces in the since he left the hospital. I think that's awesome because when he was born, he weighed 4 lbs., 5 oz. When he left the hospital two weeks later, he weighed 4 lbs, 6 oz. Now, 3 days after leaving the hospital, he weighs 4 lbs., 11 oz. Go Kai! That makes me feel so good to know he's gaining weight - it's reassuring that we're doing the right thing. Well, time to go - it's almost time to feed Kai again. Then, for me, B-E-D. Ahhhhh... Pictures to come!
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