Friday, April 16, 2010

Sage the Skip

Skip is the name of the class that Sage is in for his first round of swimming lessons. Last night was the first class. Since Sage has been in the pool at the YMCA several times, he was eager to jump in even though we had to wait a few minutes for class to start.

While we were waiting, we chatted with some of the other skips and their parents. Skips are kids 6 to 36 months and parents must be with the kids. One little girl, Isabella, arrived with her mom, two sets of grandparents, a digital camera, an underwater camera, and a video camera - quite the entourage for a 30 minute swimming lesson. I felt a twinge of guilt for not even bringing a camera. Oops!

At 5:15, Sage practically dove out of my arms as we entered the pool. Everyone introduced themselves and the girl skips heavily outnumbered the boy skips 7 to 3. Sage practiced kicking as he laid across a noodle while trying to "swim" to a floating toy. We got into a big circle and Sage promptly showed off his bubble-blowing skills - everyone laughed and the teacher was very impressed because our next skill was...blowing bubbles. Many of the skips were afraid to put their faces in the water, but not Sage. He dove right in! As the class continued, we sang songs and played games bouncing in the water, kicking, splashing, and blowing bubbles.

Suddenly, everyone started to quiet down and look towards Isabella and her mom. I had to wipe water out of my eyes to see the vomit that was spreading through the water. Poor Isabella had puked! A lifeguard blew his whistle and the pool was evacuated all because of baby Isabella. I felt bad for her especially since she had the paparazzi following her.

By the time the lifeguards got the pool cleaned up, our class time was over. End of swimming - day 1. The good news is, Sage definitely learned something. Later, during his bath, Sage practiced his bubble blowing skills. Too cute! Maybe next time, I'll take a camera.

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