10/6/08: The results from the follow up CT scan showed a small spot still in Noah's chest. This means that we are back in the same boat we were in May... Noah will have to have a follow up scan in two weeks and they will continue to watch the spot for changes. This is bittersweet news in that Noah will not undergo chemo - yet. But, at the same time, the spot isn't completely gone and the cancer remains looming over all our heads. We did spend the evening with Noah yesterday and he is feeling much better and is happily playing as usual.
10/1/08: Noah's surgery was yesterday and he pulled through successfully despite having to lose part of a rib and lots of chest muscle. According to the doctors, everything looks pretty good and they think they may have gotten clean margins and all of the tumor. If this is true, Noah may not have to go through chemo after all. More info to come...
Edited 9/28/08: The test done on Noah's bone marrow came back negative - meaning the cancer hasn't spread to his bones. Surgery will be performed on Tuesday 9/30 to remove the tumor in Noah's chest. After that, the doctors will know if they were able to remove enough to avoid chemo or not. Keep Noah and the family in your prayers this week.
Although our family has been busy celebrating a new life, we've also been dealing with some horrible news. As most of you know, over Memorial Day weekend, our family dealt with the fact that a tumor was found in Noah's chest. Noah is Sage's 18-month old cousin (the cutie with the curly, blonde hair in the picture). Surgery was performed then and most of the tumor was removed. Further scans would be performed to determine if any other treatment would be needed.
Last week, Noah went in for a follow-up scan where we learned the tumor had returned. A MRI done today will determine whether or not surgery will be performed again to attempt to remove the tumor. With or without surgery, Noah will be undergoing chemo this time. He will have to endure 3 in hospital days every three weeks for the next 15 weeks. Obviously, this is devastating news to our family - especially my brother Jon and his wife Sarah (holding Sage in the picture). Please keep Noah in your prayers.
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