Thursday, May 21st, Jared, Sage, and I trekked to the doctor's office to get a look at the newest Kelly family member. After a grueling, two hour wait, we finally had our turn in the ultrasound room.
We saw the baby all curled up and not cooperating! The ultrasound tech and doctor kept trying to get the baby to uncurl so they could get a good look at the heart. But, baby was quite cozy and apparently sleeping. We saw a good profile shot - and of course, this baby looks just like daddy too. There were long arms and legs and gigantic feet! All the baby's organs look great and baby is growing as expected, still measuring for a due date of October 5, 2009.
We saw the baby all curled up and not cooperating! The ultrasound tech and doctor kept trying to get the baby to uncurl so they could get a good look at the heart. But, baby was quite cozy and apparently sleeping. We saw a good profile shot - and of course, this baby looks just like daddy too. There were long arms and legs and gigantic feet! All the baby's organs look great and baby is growing as expected, still measuring for a due date of October 5, 2009.

Yes, Jared did see the sex. Unfortunately, so did mom. I REALLY wanted it to be a surprise this time. But, when the ultrasound tech was trying to get the baby to move positions so she could see the heart, I caught a glimpse of the gender parts. I wasn't sure what I saw, so I kept my eyes closed when the ultrasound tech did the actual gender identification. The gender pictures went into a sealed envelope that Jared put in his pocket. I didn't even want to know...yesterday.
Overnight, I thought and dreamt about what I saw more and more. I even had a small panic attack about what the sex was and thinking about what it really means to parent/raise that sex! So, this morning, I made Jared confirm what I saw. He tried to lie at first, but I knew. So, Jared and I both know the sex and...
Everyone else will find out the baby's sex on baby's birthday.
Warning...this 3-D picture looks a little frightening. The baby looks like a goblin in the picture, but trust me, it's cute!

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