Saturday, March 27, 2010

Sleep Training Night #2

First, let me finish Thursday night. Right after I finished my last post, I comforted Kai and managed to get him to fall asleep on his own. He slept until 12:30 when he was hungry, ate, and fell asleep in my arms. As soon as I laid him in his crib, he woke up - of course. Fortunately, I was able to get him right back to sleep by holding his hand. Kai woke up again at 3 am. I was SO tempted to just bring him in the bed with me because I needed sleep to go to work in a few hours! But, I held strong and after ten minutes, he fell asleep on his own again. I ended up having to wake him up at 7:00 when it was time to go. I call night #1 a success.
Score: Mommy 1, Kai 0

So, here it is 5:30 in the morning on a Saturday and I'm wide awake. But, it's not Kai that is keeping me awake. It's Sage. He's been up since 3:30 am - little booger. Sage woke up crying - which he very rarely does. I think I jinxed myself when I posted the previous night that he almost always sleeps through the night without a peep! I should know better than to say something like that. Anyway, I brought Sage into the living room and we laid on the couch while he watched cartoons and I dozed off. Thank goodness for the Sprout channel - age appropriate cartoons 24/7.

After about an hour, Sage gets up and toddles into the kitchen. I heard him rustling around in the pantry and then in our utensil drawer. Just as I'm about to get up and see what he's doing, he toddles back to the couch carrying a can of peaches and the can opener. Ha Ha!!! I guess he was hungry. So, that' what he's doing now, eating some peaches and a cereal bar.

Kai is asleep - still. He went to sleep at 8:30, woke up around midnight, cried off and on for about an hour, and has been sleeping ever since. He cried for a few minutes about thirty minutes ago, but managed to get himself back to sleep. No feedings all night.
Night #2 score: Mommy 1, Kai 0, Sage 2

One more night before Daddy's home. Let's hope both boys sleep through the night, in their own cribs, and that mommy gets some sleep too!!!

1 comment:

  1. oh girl....I can remember those times all to well. I bet you are tired. You have not slept in like two years now!! we still go through spurts....long spurts of our kids getting up in the middle of the night. Hang in there! Good Job!
