Jared and I are in the process of looking for a new childcare situation for the boys. Their current care provider is having another baby next month and only wants to work part-time in the fall. So, Jared and I have been talking with and visiting potential care providers this week. It's such a struggle! We are so spoiled by our current situation with Julie - not only is she wonderful with the boys and affordable, but she also lives only a block away!
Last week, we visited an in-home provider, and it was bad from the beginning. As we were driving up to the house, Jared said, "is it the house with the creepy looking guy on the porch?" Sure enough, it was. After being kind and talking with the people, we got back in the car and immediately agreed to cross the place off the list. Jared said, "the house was dingy, the toys were dingy, and she was dingy." Then, Jared told me the husband's nickname is "Scary Gary" (he does production of haunted houses). Scary Gary is the creepy guy that was on the porch. So, needless to say that is out.
On the other hand, we visted a pretty good one later in the week. It's an actual center with various classrooms and many kids. One of the things we liked best was the diversity of the kids that were there. Until then, we didn't realize that we were looking for diversity when choosing a place. But, now, it's high on our list.
This week, we met Latoya who provides care out of her home. Great place, clean, structured, no tv time, affordable, etc. But, the lady was kind of odd - she didn't speak except to answer our questions - which she answered with one or two words or an "Mhmmm." Thinking she was just nervous, I kept trying to break the ice with funny ancedotes about the boys. But, to no avail. So, that one's out too.
I'm wondering why we're having such a hard time this time. I think it's because we are spoiled by our current care provider. She's wonderful, affordable, and so close to our house. Our expectations are very high!
If you're reading this and know someone who's looking for a job in August, let us know!!!