Right now, I'm thankful for:
- my dad (the best grandpa to the boys - he just spent the whole day with BOTH of them by himself and still went home smiling)
- all of Sage and Kai's grandparents (each one is awesome and special offering unconditional love to our boys)
- Jared (the love of my life, best dad ever, and someone who ALWAYS makes me laugh even when I want to be mad at him)
- Sage (silly, playful, huggable, inquisitive, and just plain incredible)
- Kai (sweet, sensitive, adorable, affectionate, and the best surprise!)
- Rosco (for being such a patient, loving, great dog)
- having a job that I love
- friendships lasting over 20 years (one word: amazing)
- newer, but equally as fulfilling friendships
- our home (cozy and perfect for us)
- our extended families
- good books
- good music that fills our home and our lives
- and much, much more!!!!