Jared and I went to visit Kai today and he is doing really well. They haven't fed him through the tube since yesterday. In fact, he actually pulled the tube out and they're going to leave it out unless he absolutely will not eat.
They are also weaning Kai to a crib through the night and into tomorrow. Essentially, they turn down the temperature in his isolette at each feeding until it matches the room temperature. The room temperature in there is actually pretty chilly at about 70 degrees. By tomorrow evening, he should be in a regular crib. We're praying he's strong enough to maintain his own temperature. =)
It sounds like he may get to come home this week!
In other news, Sage took his first steps last night!!! Hooray! Darla and I were sitting on the couch. Sage's leap frog table was in the middle of the floor and Sage was standing next to me. He turned around to face the table, took two steps and held onto the table! Such a big boy. Can't wait to see more...
Monday, August 31, 2009
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Kai update 8-29-09
Happy 1 week birthday Kai! It's hard to believe that a week ago, we were still thinking Kai might be able to wait a few more weeks to be born. But, he's here, healthy, and growing.
I spent an hour and half with Kai today. He was awake for the first hour or so - the longest I've seen him awake since he was born. I fed him and told him all about my busy day with his older brother. The IV is out, feeding tube still in for when he's too tired to eat himself. He is doing fantastic. The nurses say he, "follows all the rules and hardly ever cries." Sounds like he's really laid back like his older brother.
Sage had a busy day today too. My mom picked us up this morning so I could go get my bridesmaid dress for Justin and Cora's wedding fitted. Hopefully, they have it done in time. I still look pregnant! Oh well, guess everyone will understand that "HeLLo, I just had a baby a week ago!"
Then, Sage and I went to get his 1st birthday pictures done. They are adorable!!! Here are some of my favorites! Family: No worries - I bought plenty of pictures so you'll all get some.

Sage had so much fun with the cake! He had it everywhere... It was fun!
Great day, but I am exhausted! Is it bedtime yet?
I spent an hour and half with Kai today. He was awake for the first hour or so - the longest I've seen him awake since he was born. I fed him and told him all about my busy day with his older brother. The IV is out, feeding tube still in for when he's too tired to eat himself. He is doing fantastic. The nurses say he, "follows all the rules and hardly ever cries." Sounds like he's really laid back like his older brother.
Sage had a busy day today too. My mom picked us up this morning so I could go get my bridesmaid dress for Justin and Cora's wedding fitted. Hopefully, they have it done in time. I still look pregnant! Oh well, guess everyone will understand that "HeLLo, I just had a baby a week ago!"
Then, Sage and I went to get his 1st birthday pictures done. They are adorable!!! Here are some of my favorites! Family: No worries - I bought plenty of pictures so you'll all get some.

Sage had so much fun with the cake! He had it everywhere... It was fun!
Great day, but I am exhausted! Is it bedtime yet?
Thursday, August 27, 2009
I'm going home

I'm leaving the hospital in about an hour. I'm thrilled to be going home to be with Jared and Sage. But, I'm also heartbroken that I won't be taking Kai with me just yet.
I just spent the last hour with Kai holding his little hand while he was fed with a tube. He had 6 consecutive, successful bottle feedings. But at this time of the day, he is so tuckered out by all the hard work he has to do that they just fed him through the tube. He tolerates it really well and usually just sleeps right through. He's up to 20 ml every 3 hours now. As they increase his feedings, they decrease the IV drip.
As I kissed him goodbye and walked out of the nursery, the tears started to fall. It just crushes my heart that I'm not taking him home with me today. I know he's in a good place and they will take great care of him as he grows. But, it doesn't stop me from feeling sad about the situation.
Continue to pray that Kai grows big and strong and can come home soon!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Wednesday, August 26th
Well, since they just told me I'm stuck in the hospital another night, I decided to update the blog for today. Unfortunately, my blood pressure is still too high to go home. I don't know why it isn't going down? I'm confused as to what the problem is considering they've put me on medicine and even upped the dosage. I just want to go home!
I really miss Sage. I didn't get to see little man at all today and only for 15 minutes or so the past two days. I know that I need to get better or I'll end up back in the hospital anyway, but geez - come on already.
On a more positive note, though, Kai had a great day. Three of his feedings, he took a bottle instead of the tube. And, at one feeding, he fed off my breast. That was a success for both of us considering I was feeling nervous about it. I had a hard time breastfeeding Sage and found it truly frustrating. Kai, on the other hand, latched right on and fed very well. They turned off the billi-light early this morning and don't expect that he'll need it again. Kai is making great progress and just seems to be really calm and relaxed. He's a good little guy.
I just can't wait until we all go home and can be a family together.
I really miss Sage. I didn't get to see little man at all today and only for 15 minutes or so the past two days. I know that I need to get better or I'll end up back in the hospital anyway, but geez - come on already.
On a more positive note, though, Kai had a great day. Three of his feedings, he took a bottle instead of the tube. And, at one feeding, he fed off my breast. That was a success for both of us considering I was feeling nervous about it. I had a hard time breastfeeding Sage and found it truly frustrating. Kai, on the other hand, latched right on and fed very well. They turned off the billi-light early this morning and don't expect that he'll need it again. Kai is making great progress and just seems to be really calm and relaxed. He's a good little guy.
I just can't wait until we all go home and can be a family together.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
better day than I thought...
Today turned out to be a pretty good day despite the fact that Kai is now being fed through a tube. The neonatologist ordered him to be fed through a tube for a day or two so that he can rest. She explained it as if Kai is running a marathon and needs a rest. Essentially, it was taking him more energy to eat than he was getting from the calories. So, he'll be on a feeding tube for a day or two so that he can just rest and grow.
I got to hold him at 3 of his feedings today so that was nice. He's such a tiny little miracle. Very calm and relaxed for the situation he's in.
Jared brought Sage by this evening and he was nice and cuddly with me. He gave me a big smile when he came in the room and was laughing while he was here. There's no greater sound than the sound of Sage's laugh!!!
I'm going home tomorrow. Bittersweet. I'll be glad to be home with my boys, but sad that Kai isn't coming too. It will be more difficult for me to see him as much as I'd like. =(
I got to hold him at 3 of his feedings today so that was nice. He's such a tiny little miracle. Very calm and relaxed for the situation he's in.
Jared brought Sage by this evening and he was nice and cuddly with me. He gave me a big smile when he came in the room and was laughing while he was here. There's no greater sound than the sound of Sage's laugh!!!
I'm going home tomorrow. Bittersweet. I'll be glad to be home with my boys, but sad that Kai isn't coming too. It will be more difficult for me to see him as much as I'd like. =(
Under the blue lights

I went to see Kai first thing this morning and he is now under the blue lights. His billirubin levels were a bit high (he has jaundice), so they said he'll be under there for at least 24 hours. The sad part is, we won't get to hold him during that time. =( He looks adorable though, with his little shades on - just relaxing under the light like looking like he's getting a tan.
Monday, August 24, 2009
I just got back from the NICU after watching Kai eat on his own. What a little champ! He is eating 10 ml of breastmilk every three hours. He did really well with the whole sucking and swallowing thing. They feed him using a bottle nipple and putting my breastmilk into that one syringe at a time.
Right now, Kai can only be held by mom and dad and only twice a day. I held him this morning for a good 20 minutes or so before we had to put him back to warm up. This evening, I'll get to start Kangaroo care (skin-to-skin) contact with him. My doctors and Kai's doctors recommend that for both of us - to help him connect to mom and dad and to help lower my blood pressure.
They moved me from the labor and delivery side to the postpartum side of the hospital this morning. I'm off of the magnesium drip and am IV free. I'm able to get up and move around at my will and am doing so pretty well. I feel a bit of pain at the c-section incision site especially when I sit or stand up. But, other than that, I feel okay. Unfortunately, my blood pressure is still high even though I don't really have any symptoms. I'm anticipating that my doctor will put me on blood pressure medication to help with that. Makes me feel old.
My head is still swimming with all of the events of the last week. I'm trying to relax, but worrying about my boys. My mom and dad watched Sage again last night and said he had a rough one. He kept waking up saying, "ma ma ma ma." That breaks my heart to hear. It sounds like he has realized that this isn't just a weekend trip to grandma and grandpa's house. This is the longest he's ever been away from home and definitely the longest he's ever been away from me. I miss him terribly! Makes me cry just thinking about it. I just want to hold him, cuddle him, and love on my little man. It hurts me because I can't really do that with either of my little guys right now.
Continue to send positive thoughts and prayers our way for quick healing of mom, quick growth for Kai, a return to normal for Sage, a positive outcome for Jared, and a big happy Kelly family.
Right now, Kai can only be held by mom and dad and only twice a day. I held him this morning for a good 20 minutes or so before we had to put him back to warm up. This evening, I'll get to start Kangaroo care (skin-to-skin) contact with him. My doctors and Kai's doctors recommend that for both of us - to help him connect to mom and dad and to help lower my blood pressure.
They moved me from the labor and delivery side to the postpartum side of the hospital this morning. I'm off of the magnesium drip and am IV free. I'm able to get up and move around at my will and am doing so pretty well. I feel a bit of pain at the c-section incision site especially when I sit or stand up. But, other than that, I feel okay. Unfortunately, my blood pressure is still high even though I don't really have any symptoms. I'm anticipating that my doctor will put me on blood pressure medication to help with that. Makes me feel old.
My head is still swimming with all of the events of the last week. I'm trying to relax, but worrying about my boys. My mom and dad watched Sage again last night and said he had a rough one. He kept waking up saying, "ma ma ma ma." That breaks my heart to hear. It sounds like he has realized that this isn't just a weekend trip to grandma and grandpa's house. This is the longest he's ever been away from home and definitely the longest he's ever been away from me. I miss him terribly! Makes me cry just thinking about it. I just want to hold him, cuddle him, and love on my little man. It hurts me because I can't really do that with either of my little guys right now.
Continue to send positive thoughts and prayers our way for quick healing of mom, quick growth for Kai, a return to normal for Sage, a positive outcome for Jared, and a big happy Kelly family.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Baby Boy #2 is here
Baby boy Kelly is here! After an emergency c-section, Baby Boy made his arrival at 10:40 pm on Saturday, August 22, 2009. He weighs in at a small, but fiesty 4 lbs., 5 oz. He is in the special care unit, but is breathing room air on his own. Yea! We're so excited to meet our newest little man. He came so fast, however, that we haven't decided on a name yet... Continue to pray that the little guy stays strong and grows quickly. See the attached video for a glimpse of our little firecracker!
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Coming soon
I know it seems weird that I'm blogging when I'm in the situation that I'm in right now. But, really it's to record what's happening to tell baby #2 someday.
It's 8:10 pm on Saturday, August 22, 2009. I developed a sudden, completely unexplainable case of preeclampsia. It's an illness curable only by delivery of the baby. The doctors are acting quickly because I'm quickly getting more and more ill. From the time I got to the doctor's office yesterday until now - roughly 36 hours, I've gone from feeling just fine to feeling like crap. Part of it is the magnesium they have me on to prevent seizures and stroke.
I just spoke to my newest nurse and it sounds like the plan is to do a c-section in the morning. There is a small possiblity that I'll start feeling better and baby can come vaginally. But, not likely.
Jared and I are just praying for a healthy baby!!!
It's 8:10 pm on Saturday, August 22, 2009. I developed a sudden, completely unexplainable case of preeclampsia. It's an illness curable only by delivery of the baby. The doctors are acting quickly because I'm quickly getting more and more ill. From the time I got to the doctor's office yesterday until now - roughly 36 hours, I've gone from feeling just fine to feeling like crap. Part of it is the magnesium they have me on to prevent seizures and stroke.
I just spoke to my newest nurse and it sounds like the plan is to do a c-section in the morning. There is a small possiblity that I'll start feeling better and baby can come vaginally. But, not likely.
Jared and I are just praying for a healthy baby!!!
Rough Times
After a very stressful 3 days of serving as juror on a 1st degree murder trial, I went to the hospital Wednesday night with contractions. Although they were not too painful, they were 4 minutes apart - much too frequent for this early in the pregnancy. I was given medicine to stop the contractions and sent home for 24 hours of bed rest.
On Friday, I went back to the doctor fully expecting everything to be fine. Wrong! My blood pressure was high and there was lots of protein in my urine - the hallmark symptoms of preeclampsia. I was immediately sent over to labor and delivery and hooked up to monitors.
Since then, it's been a whirlwind of activity. I'm in the middle of a 24 hour urine collection which will give the doctor a better idea of how severe my condition is and how soon I have to deliver this baby. My blood pressures have dropped - but only if I'm laying down and unstressed. Not easy when I'm worried about my unborn baby.
Right now, it sounds like I'm not leaving the hospital without delivering. And, that may be in the next 24 hours. I'm feeling scared for my baby and even me. Overwhelmed by how fast this is happening. Praying for a healthy baby as early as baby may be. Please send your positive thoughts and prayers this way.
They're about to give me magnesium which is going to make me very tired and feeling bad, so most likely the next post you see will be will be announcing the arrival of baby #2.
On Friday, I went back to the doctor fully expecting everything to be fine. Wrong! My blood pressure was high and there was lots of protein in my urine - the hallmark symptoms of preeclampsia. I was immediately sent over to labor and delivery and hooked up to monitors.
Since then, it's been a whirlwind of activity. I'm in the middle of a 24 hour urine collection which will give the doctor a better idea of how severe my condition is and how soon I have to deliver this baby. My blood pressures have dropped - but only if I'm laying down and unstressed. Not easy when I'm worried about my unborn baby.
Right now, it sounds like I'm not leaving the hospital without delivering. And, that may be in the next 24 hours. I'm feeling scared for my baby and even me. Overwhelmed by how fast this is happening. Praying for a healthy baby as early as baby may be. Please send your positive thoughts and prayers this way.
They're about to give me magnesium which is going to make me very tired and feeling bad, so most likely the next post you see will be will be announcing the arrival of baby #2.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
They're back!!!
my Shrek feet, that is...
I started back to work this week and that means that I'm on my feet a lot more during the day. The school I work at is 3 levels and there is no elevator, so I have to do a lot of stairs. When I came home from work on Wednesday, I was disgusted to see my swollen ankles and feet. The swelling didn't even really go away overnight. Yuck! They look so gross.
I would have to say that as far as appearance goes - the swollen ankles and feet are the worst thing about the 3rd trimester. On the physical side, my hips are killing me this time around!!! With Sage, I had hardly any hip pain. But, this time, it started early and is really bad now. I guess it's because my hips didn't have time to get back to normal from Sage.
How many more weeks to go???
On a more positive note, I have been truly enjoying watching/feeling baby #2 move lately. This baby is very active - probably because it's always be poked, prodded, and aggravated by Sage! Baby #2 also gets the hiccups a lot. Can't wait to meet the newest Kelly.
I started back to work this week and that means that I'm on my feet a lot more during the day. The school I work at is 3 levels and there is no elevator, so I have to do a lot of stairs. When I came home from work on Wednesday, I was disgusted to see my swollen ankles and feet. The swelling didn't even really go away overnight. Yuck! They look so gross.
I would have to say that as far as appearance goes - the swollen ankles and feet are the worst thing about the 3rd trimester. On the physical side, my hips are killing me this time around!!! With Sage, I had hardly any hip pain. But, this time, it started early and is really bad now. I guess it's because my hips didn't have time to get back to normal from Sage.
How many more weeks to go???
On a more positive note, I have been truly enjoying watching/feeling baby #2 move lately. This baby is very active - probably because it's always be poked, prodded, and aggravated by Sage! Baby #2 also gets the hiccups a lot. Can't wait to meet the newest Kelly.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Baby #2 Check-In
I visited the doctor again today. It's still amazing to me that it's late enough in the pregnancy to be seeing her every 2 weeks. "Everything looks great!" she said. Then she asked if I'm ready? Uh, no! But, at the same time - YES!
There are only 5 more weeks until baby #2 is full term and only 8 more weeks until baby is due. 5 weeks! That's so close! We are ready as far as having everything baby will need right away.
I go back to work full-time on Monday. I love my job, but I love being with Sage too. At the beginning of the summer, I was kind of scared as to whether or not I would like being mommy all day. I didn't think I would. But, I do. I love it! Especially since Sage seems to learn something new everyday. It's definitely going to be hard to leave the little guy next week. The good news is - it won't be for long. Once I start maternity leave, Sage will only go to the baby-sitter 2 or 3 days a week - if at all.
There are only 5 more weeks until baby #2 is full term and only 8 more weeks until baby is due. 5 weeks! That's so close! We are ready as far as having everything baby will need right away.
I go back to work full-time on Monday. I love my job, but I love being with Sage too. At the beginning of the summer, I was kind of scared as to whether or not I would like being mommy all day. I didn't think I would. But, I do. I love it! Especially since Sage seems to learn something new everyday. It's definitely going to be hard to leave the little guy next week. The good news is - it won't be for long. Once I start maternity leave, Sage will only go to the baby-sitter 2 or 3 days a week - if at all.
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