Monday, August 24, 2009


I just got back from the NICU after watching Kai eat on his own. What a little champ! He is eating 10 ml of breastmilk every three hours. He did really well with the whole sucking and swallowing thing. They feed him using a bottle nipple and putting my breastmilk into that one syringe at a time.

Right now, Kai can only be held by mom and dad and only twice a day. I held him this morning for a good 20 minutes or so before we had to put him back to warm up. This evening, I'll get to start Kangaroo care (skin-to-skin) contact with him. My doctors and Kai's doctors recommend that for both of us - to help him connect to mom and dad and to help lower my blood pressure.

They moved me from the labor and delivery side to the postpartum side of the hospital this morning. I'm off of the magnesium drip and am IV free. I'm able to get up and move around at my will and am doing so pretty well. I feel a bit of pain at the c-section incision site especially when I sit or stand up. But, other than that, I feel okay. Unfortunately, my blood pressure is still high even though I don't really have any symptoms. I'm anticipating that my doctor will put me on blood pressure medication to help with that. Makes me feel old.

My head is still swimming with all of the events of the last week. I'm trying to relax, but worrying about my boys. My mom and dad watched Sage again last night and said he had a rough one. He kept waking up saying, "ma ma ma ma." That breaks my heart to hear. It sounds like he has realized that this isn't just a weekend trip to grandma and grandpa's house. This is the longest he's ever been away from home and definitely the longest he's ever been away from me. I miss him terribly! Makes me cry just thinking about it. I just want to hold him, cuddle him, and love on my little man. It hurts me because I can't really do that with either of my little guys right now.

Continue to send positive thoughts and prayers our way for quick healing of mom, quick growth for Kai, a return to normal for Sage, a positive outcome for Jared, and a big happy Kelly family.

1 comment:

  1. oh girl...I feel for you. I know exactly how you feel. Hang in there, things will be back to normal before you know it. I am so glad that you will get to bond more with the littlest is so hard when you can not hold them. Sage will be ok too, yes it is a change, but you need this time to heal and get back to mommy ready...try to rest and relax, easier said than done I know. Love, prayers and thoughts coming your way!!!
