Saturday, December 6, 2008
Babbling Baby
Monday, December 1, 2008
Who turned up the volume???

Sage also had his first professional photographs taken. That was quite the ordeal! At the time we were scheduled to start (11:00am), Sage had just been fed and changed and was smiling away. But, the photographer was late and by the time she set everything up, Sage was ready to take a nap. He screamed almost the whole time! Luckily, out of the dozens of shots taken, there were several where Sage wasn't screaming - not smiling, but not screaming. Stay tuned for pictures...
Also over the long weekend, Sage discovered his voice. He has begun to babble, coo, and make interesting sounds. It's almost like he carries on a conversation with his cute little sounds. It's been lots of fun "talking" with him and enjoying his new found voice. Although, there is a downside to Sage discovering his voice - the volume on his cries has been turned WAY up! Gone are the days when Sage would cry and Jared and I would think, "that's not such a bad cry." Also, he can go from smiling to screaming in one second or less. Guess that's life with a baby!

Saturday, November 22, 2008
Furbaby and Baby

There He Blows!!!
One of our friends had warned us about projectile vomiting. I think when we heard the warning, we imagined a bit of vomit, mildly violent. Or, at least that's the image I had. Boy, was I wrong. Sage's projectile vomit is more like a volcanic eruption!
Thursday night, I stopped by Uncle Justin and Aunt Cora's house after spending the whole evening conducting parent conferences. So, I was nicely dressed in some pretty good clothes. I sat down to feed Sage, and there he blows - all over me and all over Uncle Justin's new couch! Sorry about that. I'm surprised they still want kids after what they witnessed!
Of course, after puking everything he just ate, he was hungry again. I attempted to feed him again when we got back to our house. He spewed again, all over me in my pajamas, himself, and the changing table! Poor little guy just couldn't seem to keep anything down. We cycled through eating, projectile puking, and changing clothes/sheets/blankets/towels several times that night - neither of us getting much sleep. Daddy was fortunate enough to get Sage to keep a couple ounces down Friday morning. However, that didn't last long as Sage proceeded to puke all over himself, Daddy, the floor, and the bed (guess it's time to change the sheets). Friday afternoon it seemed like he was finally over the puking phase. But, as I sat down to post this message Saturday morning, he just spewed again! Just a little spew this time, but still... the fun continues.
Two Month's and Growing...

Tuesday, November 4, 2008
President Elect Obama

10:00 PM
Since I'm writing this blog as a record to my son of his early life, I have to record perhaps one of the most memorable moments of my life. If Sage was old enough to understand, he would realize it as a most memorable moment of his life as well.
Words cannot express how proud I am of this country for electing its first African-American president. I never imagined, but always hoped this day would come in my lifetime. I remember in grade school looking at the posters of the presidents and wondering why they all looked the same - older white men (no women, no one of color). It's so amazing that my son will not have to think that. Sage will know that he has the opportunity to become anything he wants to be - even President of the United States. He will be able to look at President Obama and see another example of a thoughtful, well educated, intelligent, ambitious, and eloquent black man.
I know that I will never forget this night and what it means to our family, to our country, and even to the world. It's such a wonderful moment that the world is so accepting of a man whose diverse background and color of skin is less important than the strength of his character. What a momentous, joyous day in American history! I can't stop crying tears of joy.
To Sage: Mom, Dad, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and friends will always love you no matter what. We will never judge you because of the color of your skin. We will be here for you when you struggle with others who might. But, tonight, we have more hope than ever that you too will be judged by your character rather than your race.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Mom and Dad's First Night Out

Saturday, November 1, 2008
Baby's First Boo

Once it started to get dark, we dressed Sage in the costume his Aunt Cora got for him - a Tootsie Roll. Sage made the cutest Tootsie Roll ever and didn't complain at all about wearing the costume. Although, he did have on his usual serious face! Noah was wearing a golfer's outfit - super cute!

After we finished trick-or-treating, we returned to the house to pass out candy to the rest of the trick-or-treaters. We laughed at the jokes and enjoyed seeing all the different costumes. They announced the winners of the chili cook-off and Sarah won 2nd place! Out of 11 different chilis - that's fantastic.
Although Sage was too little to participate, he seemed to perfectly content to be in his costume and being adored upon by his family and the people passing out treats. We had a great time!
Props to Daddy
While Jared and I are both sleep deprived these days, neither of us complains about waking up to care for Sage. In fact, we both look forward to those times because it means it's our alone time with Sage when the other person is asleep and can't steal the little guy away!
This week, I spent some time completing an internship for my elementary administration degree. Jared works evenings right now, so he cares for Sage during the day until I get home from work. I know how time consuming and exhausting it is to take care of Sage during the day because his needs always come first. Plus, Sage doesn't really sleep much at all whether it's day or night. But, when I came home yesterday, I almost cried because the house was clean, the laundry folded, and Sage was smiling. It reminded me once again of how blessed I am to have such a wonderful husband. I know someday soon, Sage will recognize how lucky he is to have an awesome dad!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
The Many Faces of Sage
Just a glimpse of the many faces we get to see throughout the day. Press play and enjoy!
Friday, October 24, 2008
6 weeks and counting...

He's growing so fast! Maybe someday he'll be a famous baseball player...

Saturday, October 18, 2008
A part of history...

This afternoon, I made the trek down to the arch grounds here in St. Louis to be a part of the rally for Barack Obama. During my speed-walking session from 11 blocks away, I marveled at just how many people there were! I thought to myself, "I've never seen so many people here in my life." Little did I know, I was part of a record-breaking crowd of over 100,000 people to attend the rally (the largest Barack Obama rally in U.S. history). The crowd was also the largest to assemble in St. Louis since the 1904 World's Fair.
We were all there to listen to Obama and show our support for his campaign. It was inspiring, uplifting, and yes, even made me cry. I was so moved by the crowd - so many people of every age, every color, and every background all there to rally together for change. It was amazing - truly powerful! Everyone was so peaceful, cheerful, and friendly. The crowd was electric!
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Sage at 3 weeks

Thursday, September 18, 2008
Please Pray

10/6/08: The results from the follow up CT scan showed a small spot still in Noah's chest. This means that we are back in the same boat we were in May... Noah will have to have a follow up scan in two weeks and they will continue to watch the spot for changes. This is bittersweet news in that Noah will not undergo chemo - yet. But, at the same time, the spot isn't completely gone and the cancer remains looming over all our heads. We did spend the evening with Noah yesterday and he is feeling much better and is happily playing as usual.
10/1/08: Noah's surgery was yesterday and he pulled through successfully despite having to lose part of a rib and lots of chest muscle. According to the doctors, everything looks pretty good and they think they may have gotten clean margins and all of the tumor. If this is true, Noah may not have to go through chemo after all. More info to come...
Edited 9/28/08: The test done on Noah's bone marrow came back negative - meaning the cancer hasn't spread to his bones. Surgery will be performed on Tuesday 9/30 to remove the tumor in Noah's chest. After that, the doctors will know if they were able to remove enough to avoid chemo or not. Keep Noah and the family in your prayers this week.
Although our family has been busy celebrating a new life, we've also been dealing with some horrible news. As most of you know, over Memorial Day weekend, our family dealt with the fact that a tumor was found in Noah's chest. Noah is Sage's 18-month old cousin (the cutie with the curly, blonde hair in the picture). Surgery was performed then and most of the tumor was removed. Further scans would be performed to determine if any other treatment would be needed.
Last week, Noah went in for a follow-up scan where we learned the tumor had returned. A MRI done today will determine whether or not surgery will be performed again to attempt to remove the tumor. With or without surgery, Noah will be undergoing chemo this time. He will have to endure 3 in hospital days every three weeks for the next 15 weeks. Obviously, this is devastating news to our family - especially my brother Jon and his wife Sarah (holding Sage in the picture). Please keep Noah in your prayers.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
After 1 Week

Saturday, September 13, 2008
Comical Hospital Exit
Because of the rush, the afternoon was hectic with nurses running in and out to take care of me and Sage and all the things that needed to be done before we could leave. Jared rushed off to have the car seat installed while I stayed to pack and prepare for discharge. By 3:30 Jared and I were packed and ready to go home with our little man. That's when the real fun started...
First, while I changed Sage into his homecoming outfit, I also changed his diaper. Just after I lay the clean diaper under him, he squirts another turd out. I wipe that off, and then comes another. After wiping that off, he pees all over himself! I was laughing so hard my stomach hurt and the tears in my eyes were preventing me from finishing the diapering job. But, between Jared, myself, and the nurse, we were able to get Sage cleaned up and into his homecoming outfit.
Then, as Jared is working on strapping Sage into the car seat, my nurse finally decides to take the IV port out of my wrist. She rips the tape off (free wax job) and puts a tiny piece of guaze with a bit of pressure on the wound for a few seconds. I'm feeling fine, so not thinking much about it, I hop out of the chair to help Jared. We're over the bed, strapping Sage in, and gathering some things off the bed. Next thing you know, I look down and there is blood EVERYWHERE - all over the bed sheets, the floor, the pillows, etc.!!! I suddenly realize that it's coming from me where the IV had been. I'm thankful I didn't pass out from this realization. My nurse grabs the pillow case off the pillow and is wrapping it tightly around my wrist. She says, "hold that really tight and put your wrist above your heart." I do as she says as she runs out of the room to find something more appropriate than a pillowcase to stop the bleeding. Finally, she comes back and after more pressure is applied and my wrist is elevated for awhile, I'm fine and ready to go. Who knew so much blood come from such a tiny pin prick of a hole?!!! It seriously looked like a scene from a horror movie.
So, finally, we are ready to go. I'm in the wheelchair holding Sage in his carseat. Jared is pushing the galley cart FILLED with all of our belongings. Also on the cart (on the top shelf) are all the beautiful flower arrangements and balloons sent to us at the hospital. The nurse rolls me out and Jared follows with the cart. We make it all the way out to the car when, oops, there goes a wheel of the cart off the curb!!! A vase filled with flowers attached to a ballon crashes to the ground. Luckily, Jared saved the cart from spilling anything else!
At this point, I'm sitting on the sidewalk with the baby, feeling pretty helpless as I watch Jared frustrated by the crashing flowers. I continue watching as Jared and the nurse load everything into our Tucson. As they're loading things, the wind decides to pick up, and the cart starts to roll away heading right into a wall and certain disaster. Thank goodness for the elderly lady who moved quite quickly for her age and grabbed the cart just in time!!! All I could do was laugh - maybe a little delirious from minimal sleep and quite a bit of blood loss. But, here I am laughing so hard I can't see straight!
Our exit from the hospital could've been a script for a sitcom! All of these events took place in under 30 minutes - hilarious!
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
About the name...
According to the dictionary: a sage is a profoundly wise person. Sage as an adjective means wise.
Sage is also a seasoning or a spice - the spice of our lives, that's for sure!
And finally, Sage is a shade of green.
Now, picture Jared and I an hour or two away from welcoming our little boy into the world - still not agreeing on a name!!! We were going back and forth between the names Jayse, Amari, and Sage. Jared doesn't like Jayse, I don't like Amari. But we were both being stubborn about wanting those two names. Sage was a name we had agreed on at one point, but were hesistant because of its uniqueness and how it would be received.
So, there we are trying desperately to agree on a name before our little boy arrived. I mentioned that if we named him Sage, he would have two names that are shades of green (Sage and Kelly). At that moment, it was as if the stars collided... We were watching the Green Bay Packers on tv. I was eating a green popsicle. Everyone in the room had a shade of green in their clothing (Grandma's shirt was sage, Jared had green on his shirt, even my gown was close to the color sage). So, it seemed, it was meant to be - Sage it is.
Added 9/13: And as another Sept. 08 mom pointed out, my water broke on "Olive" Road. Olive is yet another shade of green. True destiny. =)
Robert is Jared's middle name as well as Jared's dad's middle name. Robert is also my dad's name, my grandpa's name, and my brother's middle name. Easy decision there!!
Welcome Sage Robert - our wise little man.
Introducing... Sage Robert Kelly

Monday, September 8, 2008
It's Time!!!
I was on my way to work at 7:30 am when my water broke!! I had just gotten off the highway onto the exit ramp at Olive when I felt a pop. I thought, "That was weird," and about a minute later, there was a huge gush of warm fluid. At first, I wondered if I had peed my pants, but then realized that I haven't peed that much in a really long time. Plus, it was uncontrollable - not like when you can hold your pee.
I had a momentary freak out, made a u-turn and called Jared. Of course, he didn't answer the phone until the second time I called. I was crying when I told him, "My water broke." I think he was still sleeping, so he wasn't sure what to think, but just said okay and kind of hung up. Then, I called my mom who was already at work. Then I called the doctor's office and they said to come on in to labor and delivery.
The drive back to the house seemed like the LONGEST drive ever! It was rush hour traffic, heading into the city. Then, once I got off the highway, I got stuck behind a couple school buses. I sang along to "Spotlight" by Jennifer Hudson to keep me calm. Finally made it home to Jared standing in the garage with my bag. He was frantic!!!
Seriously, I've never seen Jared so rushed in my life. I was thinking, "What happened to my normally super-calm, laid back husband?" He was throwing stuff in the car left and right, running around like a chicken with his head cut-off! I had to tell him to calm down that I'm not going to the hospital until I take a shower and change out of my sopping wet clothes.
So, I did take a shower, made sure everything was good to go at home and that my bag was fully packed. I also made sure to give Rosco a big hug and kiss and told her she'll always be my baby! Then, we headed to the hopsital where we arrived at 8:30. Since then, I've gotten my IV, been checked for dilation (just 1cm), and started a pitocin drip to induce labor at 11:00. It's now 12:30 and I'm feeling contractions, but nothing incredibly painful or anything. So, I have a feeling it's going to be a long day!
About today: It's Monday, September 8, 2008. A warm, sunny 80 degrees with a chance of storms this afternoon. Today's headlines revolve mostly around the upcoming election and another approaching hurricane (Ike).
Wish us luck for a safe, easy delivery!
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Now, that's what I call nesting...
All of this after experiencing nearly constant braxton hicks today with a many real contractions thrown in here and there. Maybe baby?
We spent the afternoon at our friends' Brandellan and Chad's house. Their son, Kobe, predicted the baby will arrive on Friday. He predicted the birth of his little brother, so he may be on to something.
Shortly after we left our friend's house, I talked to my mom and dad. Dad predicts Thursday night or Friday too. I guess because he works nights this week and Thursday will be his last.
We shall see. All I know is the time is quickly approaching and we are both excited and terrified at the same time!
Thursday, September 4, 2008
We're full term!
For awhile there, I was convinced that baby boy was going to come early. Now, I'm resigning myself to the fact that he's pretty content where he's at. I'm still predicting Sept. 15th as his birthday, but wouldn't be suprised if he's actually late! Jared hopes for the 23rd so it's easy to remember (Jared's birthday is July 23). We shall see!
All I know is the bigger and more uncomfortable I get, the more I hope baby boy arrives soon! I really can't complain because it could be a lot worse, but at the same time, ugly things are starting to happen!
As my adoring husband pointed out a couple days ago, I'm finally sporting the stretch marks I managed to avoid the first 8 months. And, as everyone can plainly see - my feet are ginormous. Imagine Shrek's feet and you'll get a close visual of mine without the green color! I tried really hard this morning to put on a closed toe shoe because it was raining and I didn't want my feet to be wet. Well, again, imagine a fairytale moment when Cinderella's stepsister is desperately trying to squish her fat foot into a delicate glass slipper. That's what I looked like this morning! Oh the joys! So, sorry everyone for exposing you to my ogre feet, but I literally cannot fit into any shoes but my flip flops!!! Hey, at least they have sparkles on them. Even my face is growing rounder by the day - again, thanks Jared for letting me know that wearing my hair down makes my face look "more full."
Those are just the things that people can see. The worst symptom right now has to be the acid reflux/heartburn that rips into my throat every night - no matter what I eat. It's like a forest fire raging in my esophagus! The pain is bad, the taste worse. Yuck, it's like I just swallowed a glass of steaming hot bile! So, I sleep nearly sitting up, but that doesn't seem to help. Even a handful of Tums doesn't make much difference these days.
But, like I said, I really can't complain. All my symptoms are par for the course and aren't confining me to bed or even keeping me from work. So, I guess I can handle another 20 days! Wish me luck!
Thursday, August 28, 2008
BIG, round, adorable baby boy...

We also saw baby's heart, bladder, kidneys, etc. All systems are a go! Round belly and a big, round head.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008
History is made!

Monday, August 25, 2008
Today's example: the ledge above the window in the bathroom has been collecting dust for who knows how long. Today, I finally hopped up onto the toliet so that I could reach and wiped the dust away. In the process, I noticed also noticed the paint was chiped on the window and seriously considered painting it. I would've too, if I didn't have to go down the steps to get the paint! In addition, I hung a set of curtains, did loads of laundry, swept the floors, cleaned the bathroom, wiped off the wall where Rosco eats and splashes water everywhere, and wiped off some unknown yellowish substance from the front door! I even cleaned the baseboards - apparently that's the nesting cliche.
It's a good thing my nesting instincts are put into check my enormous belly, aching back, and swollen feet/hands. Otherwise, we'd really be in trouble.
I feel bad for Jared because the things that I want done that I can't do, he has to do. And, that's a lot! Luckily, he takes it all in stride and always gets things done (even if it is on his timeline and not mine). =)
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Pregnancy Survey
Name: Mandy
Age: 29
Is this the first child?: yes
About the daddy.
Name: Jared
Age: 27
Finding out.
What day did you find out you were pregnant?: Thursday, January 17th, 5:30 AM
How did you feel when you found out?: mostly shocked because I thought I had problems getting pregnant. But, I also felt apprehensive about telling Jared because we had recently decided to wait another year. I only really felt truly excited after Jared said he was excited!
Who was with you?: I was alone because Jared was working in California. I was a couple days late, but hadn't really thought much about it. But, I took a test as soon as I woke up that morning and it turned positive right away. I could hardly believe it! I started sobbing and wanted to take another one, but couldn't pee anymore. I even checked the directions to make sure I was seeing a positive sign. Then, I called Jared. It was 3:30 in the morning in California and I woke him up sobbing on the phone. Of course, he asked what was wrong? I said, "I'm pregnant." He said, "What??" I don't know if he said that because he was shocked or if he couldn't understand me because I was crying so hard. So, I said it again, "I'm pregnant." Jared said, "So, why are you crying?" He couldn't understand why I was crying so hard - and truthfully I wasn't sure either (mostly shocked and scared Jared would be upset). But, as usual, Jared calmed me down as soon as he said, "I'm excited!" So, then we talked for about 30 minutes sharing our excitement together - it was a really special moment even though it was over the phone.
How did the daddy react?: Total excitement right from the get-go.
Telling the grandparents.
How did your parents react?: excited! Mom about flipped when we told her because I said, "Well, are you ready to be a grandma times 3?" She thought we were having triplets! Really, I just meant because she already has 2 grandkids, that this would make 3. Ha ha!
How did his parents react?: Very happy, I guess! Jared called and told nearly everyone before I got home from work! I only got to hear his mom's reaction - which was total excitement at the news that she was going to be having a grandbaby.
About the pregnancy.
When is your due date?: September 24th
How far along are you right now?: 35 weeks tomorrow
Have you had an ultra sound?: Yes, the initial ultrasound at 8 weeks - our first glimpse of baby boy. Then, we had a 3D ultrasound on May 5th where we learned we are having a boy (note: This was one of the most special days of my life.) I have one more ultrasound scheduled for next Thursday (9/28) to check baby's size and position (hoping he's still a boy!).
Have you heard the heartbeat?: yes, I hear the sweet sound every time I go to the doctor.
Sex of the baby.
What do you want. Boy or Girl?: We both wanted a boy.
Do you know what you are having now?: Yes, a boy!
Are you happy with what you are having?: Yes, beyond excited! Jared can't wait to play basketball with his little man. I'm just happy that we didn't have a pink explosion!
About the birth.
Who is going to be with you?: Jared, Mom, and Darla
Are you going to video tape it?: I haven't decided yet....probably.
Natural or medicated?: medicated, no doubt
Do you think you will have a c-section?: I hope not, but will do whatever's best for baby.
Do you think you will cry when you first hold your baby?: Definitely. I bet Daddy will too!
Do you know what you will say to the baby when you first hold it?: Not sure, but likely "Happy Birthday little one. It's nice to finally meet you!"
Are you scared about the labor?: Yes, but at the same time, there is no going back now! I just hope I can get through it without having a panic attack (which it typical when I'm in a high-stress situation where I don't really know what's going to happen). As long as Jared is there, I will be okay because he'll make me feel safe and make me laugh!
Do you have a name picked out?: No, we're struggling here. Jared and I both have a name we like and unfortunately, it's not the same one! We're both being stubborn too.
Is your baby going to be named after anyone?: Hopefully, his middle name will be Robert after Jared, Jared's dad, my dad, Uncle Jon, and my grandpa.
Did the daddy help pick the name?: To be determined...
Other random questions.
Have you felt the baby move?: Absolutely, he's quite active. He usually has two or three days of nearly constant movement and then one day of quiet.
What was your first symptom?: My gums were swollen and sore!
What is the babys room theme?: Cocoa Baby - Jungle Safari
Are you ready to be a mommy?: as ready as I'll ever be!
What do you think the baby will be a "daddys girl/boy" or a "mommys girl/boy"?: I'm hoping for a mommy's boy, but at the same time know that our little man will completely adore his daddy!
Friday, August 15, 2008
He's "dropped"...
I couldn't sleep - again... I woke up around 1am and stayed awake until abou 4 just thinking and watching the olympics. After I finally fell asleep, I woke up this morning to find a surprise. Just before I got in the shower, I happened to glance in the mirror. Woah! What happened? All the sudden my belly looks a lot lower. Apparently, what Rosco was sensing was the movement of the baby as he "dropped."
Now, I can breathe easier, but I have to pee more often. The biggest change is the fact that this event makes it even more apparent that Jared and I could be parents any day now. Yikes! I'm 34 weeks, 2 days today. Ideally, baby will wait another 3 weeks until after Labor Day at which time he'll be 37 weeks. According to the "What to Expect" book though, babies typically arrive 2 to 4 weeks after they "drop" in first time moms. Of course, he could go full term or even be late. But, still, this event makes us realize just how close we are to baby boy's arrival.
I'm starting to panic a bit! The school year just started and teachers need lots of support establishing reading and writing workshop. Plus, I'm in charge of several committees that have meetings scheduled for the next few weeks. On top of that, the baby's room isn't finished. We still have no crib or bassinet, clothes need to be washed and organized, decorations need to be hung, etc. I've put in request for help from friends and family, but we're so busy, we hardly have time to do anything. Not to mention that after a long day at work, I have no desire to do anything but put my feet up and sleep! Oh, and another thing not done - we haven't decided on a name!!!
On the other hand, I know that work will continue just fine without me and the things that need to be done around the house will get done. I'm very excited to meet our little man, but of course prefer him to be robust and healthy!
My next doctor's appointment is scheduled for August 28th. That will be the first time Dr. Collins checks for dilation. At that time, we're also getting another ultrasound - to determine position and estimate weight. I can hardly wait until then to get another glimpse of baby boy.
Who knew having a baby would be such a rollercoaster ride of emotions???
Friday, August 8, 2008
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
8 weeks to go!

Wow! Just think, back in February, I was thrilled to be 8 weeks along because I was able to go to the first doctor's appointment and get the first glimpse of baby boy. Now, here I am, beginning month eight of pregnancy, well into the 3rd trimester.
So, how am I feeling now that I'm in the third trimester. Well, it depends on the day and time.
For example, if you ask me this question first thing in the morning, I'm likely to say "tired." It's very difficult to sleep because I have to switch sides so often - who knew that rolling from one side to the next could be so exhausting and time consuming? It's seriously a long process to wrestle with the pillows, gather the energy to roll, and then get in a comfy position where my arms won't fall asleep and I can breathe (baby boy is crowding my lungs). Then, once I'm comfortable in my new position, baby boy spends a few minutes squirming and kicking into a new position to fit mine. It's quite the dance every hour or two. Not only is it difficult to get comfortable, I don't stay asleep long because I have to pee five to eight times a night. Thank goodness I can walk straight from the bed to the bathroom, pee, wash my hands, and come back to bed all without turning on a light.
Other times, I feel uncomfortable. The growing belly makes it difficult to get around these days. I walk slower, have trouble bending over, and have lots of body aches by day's end. Plus, sometimes I just feel so enormous - like I might burst any second!
However, there are times when I feel energetic. Like tonight, for example. At about eight pm, I got a burst of energy - enough to take Rosco for a walk around the neighborhood, come home sweep the floors, and then scrub every little spot of dried paint off the hardwood floors in the baby's room (done by scooting around the floor on my bottom with a scrubby and sponge).
Mostly, though, I feel hopeful and excited. Jared and I spend hours a day talking about the baby and wondering what he'll look like and act like. We can guess that he will be active as he is VERY active in the womb - kicking, punching, squirming, and wiggling (especially when he hears daddy's voice). We are anxious to meet him!
But, we're also nervous about the whole labor and delivery thing! Jared and I went to the childbirth class a few weeks ago. That was interesting to say the least, we certainly learned a lot. We spent a lot of time going through the stages of labor and watching our over-enthusiastic instructor "moan and groan" as she modeled for us how to breathe through contractions and push. We watched a few videos, including the one of baby's head crowning (which at that point, I wondered why I ever thought having a baby was a good idea). We also were able to tour the hospital which was impressive. By then end of the eight hour day, however, we were so babied out though that we didn't want to see, hear, or talk about babies and birthing for at least 24 hours.
Now, though, reality is setting in that in a few weeks, we will be birthing and raising a baby boy. I'm already feeling Braxton-Hicks, or practice, contractions regularly. Today, at my doctor's visit, she said baby boy is already head down and told me the position of his body. A couple nights ago, as Jared and I watched baby reposition himself, we wondered what body part was lumping out on my stomach. As it turns out, the body part we consistently feel and see is none other than baby boy's bottom. =) On occassion, we feel an elbow or knee (quite pointy). And, of course, there is the consistent thumping by the feet.
Friday, July 11, 2008
What's New...

Once we put up the border, put the furniture together, and add some finishing touches, we'll add a picture of the actual room.
The way our families have helped us out with the move and preparing for baby have made us truly grateful. We feel truly blessed to have such great family!!!
Saturday, June 14, 2008
update on Noah
As you can imagine, this is difficult news to hear as the cloud will be lingering over everyone's heads for awhile. Fortunately, though, Noah is young enough that he doesn't understand the gravity of the situtation and can just be his happy, adorable self (letting the adults do the worrying for him).
Please continue to pray for Baby boy's cousin, Noah. I know that Jared and I can't wait to have the two play together and be buds for life!
Friday, June 13, 2008
Our new pastime - belly watching...
Most evenings, when the day's work is done and I'm able to lay back and relax, baby boy seems to think it's time to play. So, he begins punching, stretching, kicking, flipping, and twisting - exercising his rutabaga-sized body within my belly. I'm sure he's been doing this for many weeks now, but only within these last two or three has it become so apparent to daddy and me.
When baby boy exercises, we watch with joy at his strength as my belly ripples, rolls, and bounces! As soon as I feel him start to move, I give Jared a nudge and we watch closely hardly daring to breathe - waiting for the next movement. Sometimes, we play back by giving a gentle poke or prod to see how baby boy reacts. He usually responds to our play with another kick or punch. Then, we laugh out loud - such force for a little guy that weighs less than two pounds!
Last night, Jared climbed into bed well after I was asleep and as always, began rubbing my belly. Baby boy must've recognized daddy's touch and began to play with him by kicking and punching - bouncing daddy's hand right off my belly!
Although we can't actually see our son, I'm sure this is the beginning of endless hours of watching him in amazement. Only in a few months, we'll go from belly-watching to baby-watching! We can't wait.
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Friday, May 30, 2008
Feeling apprehensive...
I'm not sure what caused this sudden feeling of apprehension. It could be the fact that I feel Baby Boy move all the time (making this more real), the rapidly expanding belly, or the fact that I'm one summer away from delivery. Yikes!
The other day, Jared was inspecting my baby bump and actually felt his son kicking. Jared was super excited, but kept asking if I think it's weird that there's another being growing inside of me. At the time, I was just happy that Jared can finally share in the excitement of movement. But, now that I'm thinking more about the fact that there is another being growing inside of me - it does kind of freak me out a little! =) Especially since right now, I'm the one soley responsible for Baby Boy's health and well-being.
Wow! That's a lot to think about!
Praying for Cousin Noah
What a tough week it has been! Last Thursday (5/22), we found out that baby's cousin, Noah, had a tumor (neuroblastoma) that needed to be removed. Friday morning, he had surgery and the tumor was removed successfully. Uncle Jon, Aunt Sarah and Noah spent the Memorial Day weekend in the hospital as Noah recovered. He finally got to go home on Wednesday, but is still recovering and undergoing follow up tests to see if the cancer spread anywhere else.
Please keep Noah in your prayers for a full recovery and a LONG, healthy life!

Monday, May 5, 2008
It's a healthy baby....
I know we said we weren't going to find out, but once we were there and it was time to look at those parts, I couldn't keep my eyes off of the screen. Both grandmas and Jared closed their eyes or looked away, but I couldn't help it. So, I knew as soon as I saw the parts! I cried because I knew how happy Jared would be.
Both grandma's and Jared said they knew by my reaction (happy tears), but we said we weren't going to tell anyone. They put the picture revealing the sex in a sealed envelope. Jared waited until we got in the car and then exploded into a happy dance/yell! He actually shed a few tears of joy. It was such a special moment.
So, not more than a few hours later, we found ourselves telling people. Of course we wouldn't be able to keep it a secret until September!!! We're so excited! We would've been fine either way, but we both really wanted a boy.
Oh, and the doctor said everything looks good. All the measurements were good - nothing too small and nothing too big. The heart looks fine. The doctor said he's going to be an athlete because of all the "leaping, kicking, twisting, and turning" he was doing. It was such a special moment to see our little baby on the screen with his long arms and legs, long fingers, and cute little profile. This is a truly exciting and blessed day!
Friday, May 2, 2008
Why the picture of Bob Marley?
So, you may be wondering why there is a picture of Bob Marley on the baby blog. Well, it turns out baby loves Bob Marley! I was shuffling through songs on my ipod on the way to work this morning. A Bob Marley song came on and shortly after, baby started moving - a lot! So, I listened to Bob the rest of the ride to work and the baby danced the entire time!!! Keep in mind this was a good 30 minutes, the most movement I've felt at one time so far. No kidding! It was the craziest feeling ever.
- What's funny is Jared suggested the name Marley if we have a boy. We decided on the middle name a long time ago - Robert (after Jared, Jon, my dad, his dad, my grandpa, etc.). I was thinking about it and if we went with Marley for a first name, the name would be Marley Robert or Marley Bob. How funny would that be!
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
There's really something in there!!!
Only 6 more days until the 3D ultrasound!!!
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Life in the 2nd trimester...
Best symptoms at this time: feeling movement!, starting to look pregnant instead of just fat =)
Worst symptoms: heartburn (yuck!), not being able to get comfortable enough to sleep, and ridiculously far too many trips to the bathroom
I think I've felt the baby move several times now. At first, it felt like goldfish swimming. Then, a ball rolling slowly around in my stomach. Now, I actually feel a few soft thumps now and then - our little baby growing and kicking. I can't wait until it's so distinguishable that I don't feel like I'm just imagining it! Also, it will be great when Jared can feel it too.
Speaking of Jared - what an amazing dad already. It's so adorable how his face lights up when he touches my growing belly. The smile on his face makes my heart melt.
Doctor's appointments are going well - everything is good - heartbeat is always in the 140's or 150's. We are both so excited for the 3-D ultrasound on May 5th! We can't wait to take another look at our baby.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Dr.'s appointment today
We're going to the main hospital for our ultrasound to have it done with the best equipment. The doctor said we need the best possible look because of my brother's heart defect when he was born. Baby's Uncle Adam was born with a hole in his heart. Actually, Grandma called it ASD (Atrial Septum Defect) - a hole in the septum separating the atriums of the heart. So, what this means for us is that we get a better look at baby! Check back in about six weeks for pictures of that.
Other than that - not much else is new. As soon as we can find the cord that connects the camera to the computer, we'll post some pics of my growing belly.
Sunday, March 9, 2008
All about food... (12 weeks)
But, the fog is lifting. I'm feeling less ill (unless I wait too long to eat), have more energy, and seem to be less irritable (I even laughed so hard I cried the other day - thanks Jared). I feel as though I've turned the corner towards the second trimester where sickness goes away and energy improves. Hurray! And, with that, my appetite is improving.
Still no weird cravings like pickles and ice cream (yuck!). But, I definitely want certain foods on certain days. My favorite breakfast right now is Multi-Grain Cheerios with a chopped up banana. Still loving Triscuits (they keep the nausea away). Yesterday, I wanted Mexican. The day before - a fish sandwich (I couldn't believe it!). Another day - vegetables like broccoli and cheese, corn, and carrots. This morning, I actually made eggs - mixed with tater tots, sausage, and cheese (a famous Cline family recipe called "garbage"). I ate it and enjoyed it - eggs and all. I'm still loving fruit, but now it's pears and peaches. It seems as though my body knows what nutrients it's missing - and that's what I crave that day.
Unfortunately, the things I find myself dreaming of most are the things I can't have - a cold turkey and cheese sandwich and a hot dog. I think I only want them because I can't have them! =) Such is life.
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Boy or girl?
According to the wise Mayans, it's either a boy or a girl. Ha! The formula for prediction according to the Mayan calendar is: the mom's age at conception + the month of conception. If the sum is even, it's a girl. If the sum is odd, it's a boy. My age at conception was 28. Originally, we thought the month of conception was January (month #1) meaning 28 + 1 = 29 or odd - It's a boy! But, according to the ultrasound, baby measured 8 weeks, 3 days. That would be three days earlier for conception meaning December (month #12) 28 + 12 = 40 or even - it's a girl!
We've heard from people who predict based on "gut instinct" a girl. We've read that because I'm craving sweets (highly unusual for someone who prefers salty), it's a girl. Every dream I have is about a girl. Not to mention that the one name we've agreed on since before we were married is a girl's name.
But, there is plenty of evidence on the contrary. Jared dreams about a boy. Baby boys outnumber baby girls right now. And, according the equally wise Chinese, it's a boy whether conceived in January or December.
Either way, it doesn't matter. Healthy is all we care about.
So, what's your prediction?? Boy or girl?
Our first look at 8 weeks.

The doctor didn't even make me pee in a cup to confirm the pregnancy. She just asked a bunch of questions and then performed the ultrasound. I think Jared was more uncomfortable with the ultrasound process than I was! But, after the first glimpse of baby, we forgot about what we had to do to see the image.
It's pretty amazing the first time you see this tiny little being on screen. It's really only 1/4 of an inch long, but looks very baby-like already. You can see the head, the body, and four tiny little buds for the arms and legs.
Of course, Jared and I were anxiously checking the screen for a second little being. But, it appears there's only one. Twins would've been fun, but a lot of work! So, unless someone is hiding, we're blessed with only one baby.
After checking out the physical appearance of the baby and measuring it (8 weeks, 3 days), we got to hear the heartbeat. Wow, that was incredible! That was the only moment I was on the verge of tears. A strong steady 164 beats per minutes. Jared was concerned that baby's heartbeat was so fast, but doc reassured him that this is normal.
After the appointment, they sent us on our way with three pictures and two diaper bags filled with TONS of information - all a bit overwhelming!